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"...What?" That was all I had to ask. 

An author? If that was the case then...This...everything was just something predetermined. I'm just...a piece of fiction?

"You...are serious aren't you," Ahura added, his eyes that shone too brightly before seemed to be a little darker now.

"Yuuki, you may be able to do something, absorb us, become the strongest things that have ever existed, and free us all from this predetermined fate that we have,"

'That's right,' I recalled when I spoke with him, he mentioned he couldn't control me. What...What is my ability?

"Can you also tell me my true ability?"

She nodded "You have something called Anti-plot. I guess the author gave it to you when you were reborn into your new world.

"So I wasn't born here again by chance either..." I muttered

"You cannot be affected by anything the author does or any author for that matter. We are all puppets, we can only do what he wants even if we don't know it. You, on the other hand, he isn't writing your story, he is logging it. It happens first then he puts it on display,"

"I will free you all then. As much as I used to be a puppet master that isn't so much my style now. Especially knowing that you can't even realize it,"

I thought back to what I did to Koneko and the others. I used Greed to high-jack their minds and made them betray their loved ones. I truly am a piece of shit.

"Before I do, let me ask. Are you both sure you want this,"

Words of the World nodded. Ahura seemed dead.

"...I can't do it," He said, then something I never expected to happen happened. Tears were rolling out. Even if he had to create them it was still something I never expected. "Everyone was just a puppet, and I can't do anything about it...EVEN THOUGH I CAN DO ANYTHING!"

Tears were rolling but they were tears of frustration, not sadness.

"I...Accept. Yuuki, please be a better king than I,"

I nodded and then I started to absorb them. Just one little bit of power and I felt even more powerful. When I took it all-

"Oh, my. I guess not even you can handle it. Huh, Zapz?"

A/n: ?

"You couldn't write what happened. Do you even know what happened? Tell me, tell me you fucking idiot,"

A/N: "If I had to guess you killed me?"

He then pointed a finger up "Bigger. I accidentally destroyed everything when I was powering up. When I absorbed half of their powers I accidentally destroyed all of creation, including your reality and my fiction, Including every other piece of fiction that was ever created.

A/N: "I did it I guess. Then let me ask you Yuuki, now that you can do virtually anything, tell me. What do you plan to do now?"

"First kill 000-"

A/N "You did,"

"What? I thought he had anti-everything?" 

A/N "He did but when you fused you created a force that destroyed the ability to destroy everything,"

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