Samael Breaks

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The Purple blood was coming down. It covered the whole sky, not one human could ever think to be safe. This time there was no coming back either, once souls were gone, they were not coming back.

I had one last idea, one last ray of hope that would be the riskiest, but if proven correct, I would win, and it won't be close.

'Now Raphael,'


Raphael then took over my body. Heightened my resistance to the max, and analyzed the poison as best as I could in the time given. And just like that, it fell on me.

"HAHAHAHA!" Samael screamed. 

Even though I wasn't in control I could barely hear, see, feel smell, or taste. All my senses were drained out. It was fully up to Raphael to complete this theory. My soul was intact because of soul Manipulation I was able to move it to the furthest point in my body away from the poison.

 "" Raphael was barely able to talk by using magical energy.

"WHAT DO I HATE? I HATE DRAGONS AND GOD THAT'S WHAT! THOSE DAMN FUCKS!" He then went into a rant like a 5-year-old.

'Master, I cannot form Poison Nullification based on the amount that is given. You would need to be hit with another batch of Poison that is different from this one,'

'Let me take back over,'

As I got control of my body I could now feel the pain going through my body. It felt like my skin was peeling off.

I was just barely able to get my next words out "Damn...And I...Thought I could...At least finish his will,"

"HUH?" Samael looked angry and confused.

If it was one thing I had learned from the experience of fighting him so far it is that he is an idiot. His views are clouded with anger making it hard for him to rationalize, so if you dangle a carrot that's hidden he won't grab it. So make it more obvious.


I couldn't respond though, I could only hear him from reading the magicule sound waves in the air.

"...Fuck..." He went over to my body and then the blood on me was absorbed back.

After around 10 minutes I was able to talk again.

"Whose will are you talking about," For once he wasn't screaming which was nice

"Mine... you fucker," I said with a cocky smile

His eyes exploded with rage "THEN DIE YOU FUCKING MORON!"

He then splashed blood on me the same one he put on Cao Cao. Just as the first droplet hit my hand the whole thing burned off.

The rest was about to hit when I got the voice in my head

'Master, I was able to successfully make Poison nullification,'

The poison splashed on me and Samael looked at my body. 

"Individual Yuuki Kagurazaka has obtained Poison Nullification,"


He then threw hundreds of different poisons at me, but instead of staying down, I started to get up.

I rose to my feet and was finally able to look around and that was when I realized what had really happened. His blood wasn't just in Japan it was over the whole world. Nearly every human soul had been lost.

"Can you kill me without your greatest weapon?"

He seems angry but decides to keep attacking. The black whips come out of hit back again and I let them pierce me as I keep walking.

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