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(Yuuki POV)

"Well, I should go check on everyone else, if I had to go somewhere I should go check on Akame and Sloth, they most likely would be having more of a struggle than Michael and the god of time,"

I opened a teleportation circle and walked through only to be met with an aura that made 222 looks weak, but then again I still saw 222 standing there along with what seemed like to be 333, and 444.

"Akame, you got yourself taken over?"

"Akame? Call me by my real name you god! Name's 111,"

"Dumb name, personally I wouldn't have a name of the letter but that's just me,"

I looked at all of them and evaluated my chances. If I had to fight anyone 1 on 1 I had a chance but at the same time... That may cause some issues to arise. Also, the fact that 333 was here... did that mean Michael and Yog-Sothoth lost?

I then pulled out my soul weapon and got into a stance.

'I should still be evolving, if I'm going to win then I need to evolve right here and now. The fastest way to do that would be to... take out 222!'

222 had his soul weapon taken away so I should be fine with fighting him, the question is how can I fight him where these guys won't interfere?

Then another portal opened behind me.

"Ah, Michael, Yog-Sothoth you back-"

I was about to finish but then I saw who it was, it was Amaterasu.

"Hey, brat. Ahura paid me a shit ton of money so I'll help you out. Samael won't be coming though since he's trying to overthrow the system right now,"

"Is someone else taking care of that?"

"Yea, Word of the world is. He's going to be erased soon,"

"Ah, so what do you think your odds are? Going against two of them,"

A fierce smile came out "It doesn't matter what the odds are if you can manipulate them,"

"Alright then," I responded back with a smile "Which two do you want?"

"111, and 444," I think that's fair.

"Alright, Break!"

I then charged in going for both 222 and 333. We both then split up and now it was a 2v1 on each side.

I started with a slash right at the neck of 222 who ducked under it and then 333 came from behind and went for a punch behind my head. I then jumped out of the way and then pulled out the pen I stole from 222.

I decided to run as I wrote since I could restore my magicules as I wrote. 

"DISA..." I started to write as my legs carried me, at this point I would say I was even faster than I was during my fight with Issei. I was pretty much so fast I didn't even know where I could rank myself. I kept on finishing the writing "PPEA..."

Right before I could finish the last letter 333 was right next to me.


He then threw a punch at me which I dodged and kicked him back as I finished the last letter "R,"

A smile was on my face though it quickly disappeared. 

'Why are they still here?'

"111, made it so...We can't be erased, die, or anything. We are fully immortal now,"


I then went to fight 333 head-on-head and got a clean cut on his arm as he tried to jump backward. Then another version of him appeared from his arm, what was the worst about it though was that it was still on the same power level as him.

I started writing again when the pen disappeared out of my hand. Then appeared in the hands of 222.

"I let you have this...for despair,"

"Tch, what a petty bastard,"

'What can I use that's still of use? Going in isn't Ideal because I have to fight 2 on 1. Ability wise I'm pretty stacked but against something that's Immortal in every sense. Can't be killed no matter what... what do I do?'

"Have you...Givin' up yet?" 222 asked as he started writing. It was when I saw the word though I got the hint I needed.

He was trying to write Dispair.

"HAHAHAHA! TRY IT YOU DUMBASS!" His face then had a mixture of confusion and a tad of fear "...I can't be manipulated by outside forces. But then Issei was able to affect me mentally. I don't care how he did it but what matters is that I am the embodiment of freedom!"

"What are you talking about?" He finished the word and nothing happened. My smile only widened.

'How can I use my power, a power that not even I know to its fullest? It's simple...all I need to do is...'

I then held my hand out in front of me. My future, past or present can't be manipulated by any means, what I have to do then is freeze the past and future!

I did it and nothing changed.

"...Nothing happened," 333 said as he looked around

I then moved forward with my sword and charged forward but when they initially tried to move their bodies lagged behind.

I then went right up to 222  and chopped his head clean off "Didn't we tell you? We can just..."

But then he stopped talking, he realized he couldn't heal himself. 

"What... exactly did you do?"

Both of the 333s backed up

"If you 'Died,' in the present then how can you know what will happen in the future if it is frozen? Even if you are immortal there are an infinite number of possibilities that can happen so the answer is obvious, you can only Stay 'dead',"

"But I should still be able to heal, so why is that then?"

"Because you are dead. Just because you have immortality doesn't mean you can outdo the laws of the universe. You are still bound by the very thing you wish to destroy,"

"AND WHAT? YOU'RE NOT?!" 333 yelled

"I am, only in some ways though,"

I then charged at 333 and started to battle both of them. The time lag between when they wanted to move their bodies and when they moved was enough to make them move off balance.

I then stabbed one of the 333s in the chest then turned my sword around and sliced through the other.

They both fell to the ground. 

"In case you wondering your ability doesn't work because I killed you before you regenerated a new body. Must be the bad wifi you guys have," I said with a smirk

"So what are you going to do now?" 333 asked somewhat nervously 

"The only one who can even enter this space is Ahura or someone relative to him. So I thought why not have some fun?"

I activated thought acceleration on them and turned it to the max which made 1-second feel like a Vigintillion years. Each stab lasted what most of felt like forever, so after 2 minutes you can imagine that their eyes were fairly dead.

Then, I'll take that pen back," I said as I used Greed to steal it back.

"I wonder how Amaterasu is doing," I wondered as I created a seal for both of them. I then trapped them forever in the past and future but never in the present. Therefore unless I wanted to do this again or if someone else could do this, they would never be seen again.

I was about to go back when I felt my soul start to heat up with Magicules 



Thank you all for reading! Michael or I guess Crius isn't here because he went to go check on Yuuki first with Yog-Sothoth. He's there now but since Yuuki froze time in the past and present they are currently frozen in the past. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you all soon! 

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