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I was about to teleport back home when I saw Bigred start walking right in front of me. 

"Let's go,"

"Sure. Ophis is gonna meet us there I'm guessing?"

"Nope. She's not coming since somebody pissed off some of the gods," He said eyeing me. 

"Hey, don't sweat the small stuff. Anyway, tell me what I need to know about this guy. Everything,"

"Small stuff?" He said with a tick mark on his forehead. He soon regained his composure and explained "Let's go somewhere else,"

Then he teleported us into space. I had no idea where we were though but I could feel an incredible energy that could make a normal person die. It was like mine when I fought Rizevim.

"This is 666 energy the furthest you can be while feeling it,"

"So it's much stronger up close?" I asked anyway even though I knew

"He is after all why you haven't found any 'Alien' life. Ophis and I had been protecting your corner of the universe. When he first got brought here Ophis was luckily on earth, so your galaxy lived. Every other one while still there is completely devoid of any life from just his aura,"

"Who brought him here?"

"...We lost a bet we were forced to be put in. That's all," 

He seemed pissed about it so I let it go.

"Tell me. How do we kill him,"

"He has 7 heads and seven tails. Kinda ironic since he's 666 but he is just judged by that after his strength,"

"Is it where we have to cut off all 7 heads at the same time?"

"If it were that easy no one would have an issue. You have to cut all 7 heads, 7 hearts, and 7 tails at the same time. You can't stop time either since he isn't bound by time. Truly the biggest pain in the ass,"

'I can't even freeze time yet, yikes,'

"Strength? Speed? Give me some idea of what we're working with here,"

"Strength to be put simply is strong enough to destroy this universe. Speed... most likely around light. Its durability is insane, it can withstand the big bang since other gods have tried to slam galaxies on top of his and he lived. He has nearly instant healing, but for abilities not much. Don't die,"


"I won't,"

"Let's go then,"

He then teleported us right in front of the beast. To be honest I have never felt anything like this. The magical energy was so dense it was like I was being drowned. It was a miracle that humans were even alive on earth.

It spotted us and then before I could even react it swung its head down on me. Bigred grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me out of the hit.

"Yuuki... let me tell you now. If you die I die. If I die then Ophis dies, if Ophis dies then this Universe is done for. KEEP UP,"

I nodded and activated future attack prediction. I was just barely able to dodge the next swing as I jumped up and summoned my soul weapon. I then saw with Future attack prediction that three of his tails were gonna be crashing down on me. I attempted to dodge but couldn't get out of the way of the last tail. Big red then stepped in the way and punched the tail away. Blowing off the tail.

It didn't even take a second for it to regen though, it went back to swinging as I jumped back up. I was able to use future attack prediction to its fullest to be able to dodge its near-light-speed attacks. Without this, I would definitely be dead.

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