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I teleported home only to be met by Koneko which I wasn't expecting


"What's up?"

"Please...Please tell me how to be stronger!"

"You want me to help with your mastering of Senju?"

She nodded

"Alright, Meet up when Irina and I go to train. I'll work with you then,"

"Alright...thanks!" She then let out a smile

I walked passed her to meet with Tiamat. When I found her though she was in my room sleeping on my bed

"Why are you here?" I asked deadpanly as I grabbed some clothes

"YUUKI?!?!?" She shot up with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower. Also, next time don't sleep in my bed,"

She hung her head in embarrassment as I left.

I took a shower and went back out. 

Right now what I needed to do was to evolve. I had the full Excalibur but I was more careful about heaven than hell since there were simply too many questions that don't have answers.

With a sigh, I teleported walked out, and went to the main castle where the three former demon kings were. As soon as they saw me they looked at me like I was scum.

"Yo, I need you all to tell me everything there is about skills," I said as I took a seat in an open chair

"Why would we ever do that?" Serafall said scornfully

"Cause I'll kill Sona if you don't,"

"You can't just kill as a means of control," Ajuka said 

"...Yeah," The other king said he was still somewhat asleep but he still had his guard up.

"I can though, I made that clear already didn't I?"

"What do you mean?" Ajuka asked 

"I kill Ravel. Did word not get around yet?"

"YOU WHAT?!?!" Serafall shouted as she jumped up

"Her brother wasn't playing nice so I had to direct some punishment right? Now if you don't want that to happen to Sona get to talking,"

She looked at me with hatred then closed her eyes and started talking "Skills and Magic go hand in hand. In a way, you could say skills are an advanced form of magic made by who knows who. Skills are by far more powerful however there are some magics like the orbs of destruction that can counter some skills,"

"Is that all?" I asked 

She nodded. I looked over at Ajuka who also nodded

"Now what about the angels? Tell me their skills,"

"Are you going to fight them too?" Serafall asked in a somewhat cheerier voice than before.

"Yup. Don't get your hopes up to high though because I'm gonna win,"

"The only Angel that has a skill is Micheal who has justice king Micheal," Serafall said again with Ajuka nodding

I stared her in the eyes and said "You should think carefully about who you lie to," 

She shivered for a quick moment then spoke up again "...And there is also Patience, Raphael, and Metatron,"

"So what do they do?" I asked now knowing that she was telling the truth

"I don't know," She answered "We were going to have a meeting about all of our skills abilities, and whatnot but we can't really do that anymore,"

"I see," I said as I stood up "Well I'll be going now, don't cause any trouble!"

As soon as I left I could tell immediately that they were going to call the angels but that didn't matter.

I then decided to go hunt after Ruval. He is most likely in the Phenex domain looking for Ravel so I teleported there. I flew around a little bit and eventually found him in a hood suppressing his magical energy.

I walked up next to him. 

"Ruval, long time no see,"

He jumped back immediately and sent a flame at me that got canceled by anti-skill.

"You know... The last time we fought I was completely exhausted, but now that I'm 100% again I'm gonna have you wishing you killed me back then,"

I then charged at him so fast to the point that he couldn't react and slammed his head into the ground leaving a massive crater on the ground. Flames wrapped his head as I kept bashing it down.

People around us stared but once they realized who I was they quickly left.

"Oh, yea you were looking for Ravel right?" I said as I kept bashing his head "I had my teammate kill her so you don't have to look anymore. You can visit her grave though,"

This, just angered him enough to give him more energy because he grabbed my wrist and stared at me with eyes of pure hatred "YOU...WHAT?" 

"I. Killed. Her." I said slowly 

"RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled as he attempted to fight back but in response, I slammed his head back into the ground

"Well, since you went against me you know what the penalty is right?" I let go of his head and pulled out Excalibur.

"W-Wait... Is that a complete Excalibur?"

I smiled and stabbed him which vaporized him immediately and then...

"Individual Yuuki Kagurazaka is attempting to evolve...Successful,"

Then I felt my body collapse as I quickly sent a thought communication to tell Tiamat to pick me up.


When I woke up next I was in my room of course with Tiamat next to me

"Hey, How long was I out?" Tiamat was still awake reading something next to me but she looked surprised

"Only for like 10 minutes. Your body must have adapted really fast to your new body,"

Then I checked and yup. I evolved into a saint.

'Is it like EXP where I need EXP to keep evolving?' I wondered. I figured I would evolve by taking another skill but Killing Ruval managed to do it.

My new body was now fully spiritual meaning that I was no longer human. I was now a full fledge saint and now my two conditions that I needed were complete.

"Tiamat, are you gonna be ready?" 

She pumped her fist up "Yea! I can't wait to go to heaven and bash some skulls!"

"No, I'm gonna go to heaven alone. You all are gonna take the fallen at the same time. All I have to say though is to be careful of Azazel. He may be way stronger than I think,"

"Wait why not?!?!" 

"Because you'll all die. These Angels are not gonna be easy to deal with,"

"So... When are we gonna leave?" 

"Maybe like a month? I wanna train Koneko and Irina up a little more,"

"Alrighty then," Tiamat said with a dejected sigh

I stood up to go start training with the two girls. They both needed to get stronger before we left so I was gonna train them to be the best they can be.


Thank you all for reading! next chapter is gonna be a little training then they're gonna start the next big mission which is to conquer heaven! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you all soon!

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