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After the meeting, the chaos began right away. People challenged all the royals for their titles. Obviously, none of the Royals lost. This was something just to get more public support.

Everyone moved into the main castle with me and we were all in the dining room eating dinner when Irina spoke up

"So Yuuki, after the underworld is ours what do you plan to do?"

"Hmm... I want to conquer heaven next, but I think I'll need a better weapon. Without a type advantage, it's gonna be harder to deal with them than the devils... plus if what I think is right then we could be in trouble,"

"What do you mean?"

"Greed, Pride, Lust. Those are three skills that are also considered cardinal sins. If we consider that, we can also assume that Sloth, Envy, Wrath, and Gluttony exist. That much should be obvious though, the main thing is that I believe the angels have the opposite or counter to a sin skill. So for example I have Greed, Charity would oppose me,"

"Wait what do you mean by needing a better weapon? Are you gonna get rid of Excalibur?" Tsubaki asked

"Of course not. This thing is gonna be my bread and butter. However, I need to complete it before I go to heaven. I also need to evolve to a full saint as well..."

"You already got a plan set out huh," Tiamat added

"WHAT?! Already??" Irina asked

"Of course. I'm always thinking of the best way how to do things. When things go out of hand I can always think of a good way to counter,"

"Dman..." Irina said looking a little discouraged 

Truthfully I considered Irina to be like my disciple. I'm teaching her how to think outside of the box and outsmart people and teaching her how to fight. 

"Don't be discouraged. You did well against Ruval for buying time," 

"Well, yea but Koneko and Xenovia were with me, without them I don't know if-"

"First of all don't say Koneko helped," I said looking over at her "Koneko unless you can get that Senju under control and use it without issues you will never be able to help, you can only burden us from here out,"

She nodded while also looking a bit sad. It's not that I was being mean to her I was giving her what she needs to be told not some 'You did great Koneko!' Like a certain princess I know.

"And Xenovia was exhausted after killing all of Sirzechs family so she didn't help during that battle,"

"Sorry Yuuki," Xenovia said with her head bowed

"Don't. You pulled your weight,"

We continued to eat and afterward, I stood up "Alright well, I'ma be back in a little bit,"

"Where are you going?" Tsubaki asked

"To finish something I should have done a while ago,"

I then teleported to the Gremory house where I would get what I needed to get done done

(Sirzechs POV)

Man, I hate this. I had been running all over the place thanks to Yuuki bossing me around. Although I hate him, I feel like I'm starting to fear him more and more as each hour passes. Just thinking of his face now is starting to give me chills.

'At least I get to go home now,' I thought a small smile as I pictured Grayfia and Rias. Although Rias has been locked up in her room she won't say why or open it, and her peerage doesn't seem to know why either.

I teleported home "Grayfia! Are you here?"

After getting no response I looked around the house, I kept calling out only for no answer and when I went to the family room I saw something that nearly made me break then and there. Grayfia was dead nailed onto the wall.

"G-Grayfia?" I put my hand on her face as tears streamed down my face. That was when I saw a note on the ground.

'She was planning a rebellion so I killed her just like I said,' It was obvious that it was from Yuuki.

My heart flooded with so much emotion I didn't know what to do I wanted to cry, scream but I couldn't I just... felt dead.

I brought her down and laid her on the couch as I kissed her one last time on the cheek. I sat there for what felt like hours and then I went to go see Rias who had been acting weird lately for some reason.

I made my way to her room and knocked on her door only to be replied with an "EKKK!"

"H-Hey Rias please come on out. G-Grayfia died... please I need you," I said as tears ran down my face but she never answered

"I-I'm coming in," I said as I opened the door only to see her huddled in the corner shaking with all the curtains closed.

"R-Rias are you alright," I asked in a weak voice, my heart couldn't take much more. 

"S-Stay Back!!" She screamed 

Then I saw something I had to be imagining it but I felt like there was a grim reaper floating around her head, and the face of that grim reaper was none other than Yuuki

"Wait, Rias-"

"NOOOO! YUUKI PLEASE STOP IT PLEASE!" Her face was now fully covered in tears and she started shaking even more. She didn't even recognize me she only kept thinking about Yuuki

'Did... he do something to her?' I wondered. As it dawned on me I broke

"...Sorry for intruding," I said as I closed the door.

I grabbed some rope from the closet and made my way to the balcony when I felt a hand on my shoulder

"One moment if you will," the voice said, as I got a look it was Yuuki. My dead eyes met his and he smiled a bit "I'm just gonna take a few things real quick,"

Then I felt my power drain from my body.


As if he read my mind he spoke up "Not only that,"

I then realized that my orbs of destruction were gone as well. I thought I was already broken before but now... I give up.

"Continue as you were,' He said with a smile as he left.

I went to my room and tied a noose with the rope on the edge.

'Grayfia, I hope if there is an afterlife...I can see you again there. You too Milicas, Mother, Father. If I get reborn... I'll never mess with people like that again,'

I put the rope around my neck and walked off


Hey, thank you all for reading! This chapter got dark but I wanted to go along with when Yuuki said that Sirzechs would kill himself. Anyway with that said I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you all soon!

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