Vali Lucifer

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We were now in front of an abandoned building. All three of us having masks on we entered.

"Well aren't you guys early?" a voice called out. Then a man with staff came out

"I could say the same,"  I replied

"Heh, well follow me,"

We followed him in silence. It was a night out so we could see the moonlight through the windows as we followed. Soon we arrived at a door.

"Vali, they're here,"

"Come in,"

The door suddenly opened revealing a man with white hair sitting atop a desk

The door suddenly opened revealing a man with white hair sitting atop a desk

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"So you're the smilers huh," He said "Name's Vali. It would be nice if you could take off your masks you know,"

"Sorry but secrecy is a big part of how we do things," I said as I sat in a wooden chair. Tsubaki and Tiamat were right behind me.

"Nya, don't be like that," said a voice right behind Vali. Soon came out a cat girl with long black hair. She sensed just like Koneko, but what concerned me was that I couldn't sense her right before she appeared. I mean I wasn't sensing too look for her but still.

"Oh? You remind me of a good friend of mine. Do you happen to know Koneko Toujou?"

Her face went serious "I know of her. We nekomata's should know each other,"

'Should I push a little more?'

"Well, she is starting to become a nuisense to my plan right now, I was thinking of killing her..."

Right then she flew at me with her hand flat getting ready to stab me in the neck. I quickly raised my leg still sitting reaching right before her throat before her hand reached mine.

"So you are closer then just nekomata's? Sisters? You don't seem to much a like though,"

'Especially the difference in proportions,' I thought to myself

"Kuroka, back off," Vali said


"He dangerous, can't you tell that much?"

With a "tch" she backed off behind Vali again.

"Haha! That was a good fight!" the man with a staff said "Name's Bikou by the way, "

"I suppose you need something to call us. Call me 1, with blue hair 2 and black hair 4,"

"What about 3?"

"We can't all be here right now,"

"True enough," 

"So let's get down to business. We want to make sure that your goals stay out of our way. Mind telling us what they are?"

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