Battle with Dragons

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It has been around 1 week since I last saw Ophis and Bigred. I figured that the process would take a while in case they lost they would be handing over the authority of the Universe to me.

"So Bored,"

Almost as if they were waiting for a portal opened

"Ok, we're ready. We are going to fight in a spare universe of Sloths so we don't have to worry about damaging ours,"

"Spare? How many does he have?"

"Who knows, it's important to keep that a secret, after all, if you only have one then you have to agree to things you don't want to just to protect that one," She seemed stressed about thinking about it.

"So if you lose all your universes you lose your title? What then?"

"You disappear," Bigred spoke up "It's not as simple as just dying or having your soul destroyed. You quite literally just get erased,

"And let me guess. This is your only Universe?"

They both didn't say anything but it was obvious enough

"Well, whatever. Let's get this fight started,"

"Alright, follow me,"

All three of us then walked through another portal and there we were just floating in space

"We're gonna need a lot of space so I figured I would just send us to space right away,"

"Alright. So let's go when I destroy that star," I said as I pointed at the blazing star

They both gave a nod and then backed up a lot. I then fired a fireball at the star with enough force to completely destroy it.

As the ball of fire traveled I thought things through. 'Ophis can create mini black holes with her soul weapon which is fingernails. Bigred said he has a domain but who knows if this is true or not? I feel like he should have used it during the fight with 666... or maybe he couldn't-'

My train of thought ended though went I saw a giant burst of light.

"Let's go,"

I flew right towards them. Bigred charged at me while Ophis stayed back. I charged up for a punch and a mini-black hole appeared right in front of me. I dodged by going over since I expected her to put one there as soon as I charged in.

I then threw a punch at Bigred and he dodged as well. He threw a punch back and I dodged. It went back and forth for a little while Ophis waited for an opportunity to join in. 

I then got a chance after a parry to go for a quick strike. I summoned my soul weapon as I was in motion, but Ophis acted quickly as she bound my arm in space. Her face tensed up as I tried to move my arm. That split second though was all Bigred needed to get a solid punch on me.

As I flew backward I started thinking 'So her ability isn't that. It's more like it's able to compress space to hold objects. She can make black holes by compressing them so much but their effectiveness is only as strong as her force put into it. Then there's is also the fact that if her opponent is stronger or on par then it is harder to hold them,'

In the one attack that I took, I had managed to completely debunk and reveal Ophis's weapon fully.

I then turned my attention toward Ophis whose eyes went wide as I was right in front of her before she could react. As I swung my sword down through Bigred kicked me to the side. As he kicked my side though I cut off most of his leg.


Bigred leg healed right away, we then waited for the next person to move.

Then before I knew it, Bigreds hand went threw my chest and grabbed my soul, crushing it. Or so he thought, he stopped time but I had pretended to stay still. It was an educated guess on my part but since I was made of 100% Magicules and classified as a god I figured I should be able to move while time is frozen.

Bigred didn't even consider this though since he went to talk to Ophis.

"You know I thought of something funny, I saw a show where this guy stopped time and he said 'Za Warudo!' and I was gonna say it too but I forgot. I just remembered now though,

Ophis looked just disgusted as she looked at Bigred with eyes that said 'Really?'

In my mind, though I was filled with different thoughts as I kept my eyes on them 'Wait Bigred is an Otaku? AND WAIT DID HE JUST MAKE A JOJO REFERENCE!!?!?'

I had been a big fan of anime in my old world but now I hadn't even thought of it that much, all I wanted to do was just climb. It just dawned on me how much I had changed since coming to this world.

Bigred though then walked up casually to me. "Guess you weren't the guy after all. Bummer,"

Right before he stabbed me with his fist through. I cut him in half "Just kidding, I'm not frozen,"

Both of them were surprised which I guess made sense. The only ones they knew that could move when the time was stopped were others gods that owned universes. I guess they underestimated me.

Bigred tried to heal and Ophis held her hand out but it was too late. I swung right at his soul and then stopped cause I realized something, his hand touched me.


My Magiucles were then overridden and I got pulled into his domain. Ophis and Bigred were nowhere to be seen though.

I was in a bust city with cars everywhere. Just like Japan.

"Yuuki!" I heard a voice say, the voice sounded so familiar yet distinct at the same time.

I turned and was met with my mother wrapped in a hug "Aw man you scared me! I told you not to go off on your own!"

I then realized I was a kid again. 

"Let's go home! I'm making your favorite tonight! Also, we can watch that one show you like so much too!"

"You...Really..." My emotions were being kicked into overdrive... with hatred "YOU REALLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME YOU SHITTY DRAGON!" I yelled as I summoned my weapon and sliced my mother in half.

I no longer needed them. I wanted to get stronger for their stakes at first but now I want to get stronger because I want to, not because someone else told me to. My family was just a wall to unlock my potential, and once they died and my potential started to show... have been the best damn years of my life.


Thank you all for reading! I tried to make this a chapter where you understood a little more about Yuuki's character, plus the fighting. Also just so you all know Bigred is 100% an Otaku, he just doesn't like others knowing since it's different from how he normally is. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you all soon!

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