Ruval Phenex

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I make my way outside where I see a worn-out Irina, Xenovia, and Koneko. I wondered if Tiamat would be able to come back in time but I figured that I best not rely on her for right now

"Well, what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked

He glared at me "Where is my family,"

"No idea,"

"Don't lie to me. I can cook you in an instant,"

"I guess you might. But I can probably kick your ass before you can even do that,"

I looked pretty banged up but I kept my attitude high. Truthfully I was hoping that Irina was paying attention so she could see how the 'weak' fight

"I suppose we just have to find out then!" He then sent a massive heat wave right to me which I had to use anti-skill for since fire resistance wouldn't be able to handle this much

"Just fly back already. I know I don't look like much but I just kicked Sirzechs ass if you wanna go see him,"

He then seemed confused and then started laughing albeit quietly "You really think you can beat Sirzechs? That man has stood at the pinnacle of Demon Kind for all these years and you think you can beat him? Well, whatever not that really matters right now. Tell me, where is my Family or I release the full version of the conference meeting,"

I still had the same smug grin on my face but on the inside things were different 'FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! So he was the one at the meeting recording?'

I had many options to play off of though. He clearly was weary of me from a combat perspective which is why he switched to blackmail instead of force. What I can do here though is an issue.

I sent a quick thought communication to Tsubaki and Tiamat and only Tsubaki responded with an 'I'll try my best,'

What I can do now though is A. let him release the tape and we all get thrown over as fakes in the public. On the other hand of that though they would be confirming that the tape was real along with how they acted with what they said. The other option is B. to try to fight him which is not looking ideal at the moment. The only chance we would have is if Koneko uses Senju healing on me while Irina and Xenovia fight him. Option C is the most ideal but is a double edge sword. I truthfully have no idea where the Phenexs are right now. I told Irina to move them somewhere they won't be found so I don't have a clue. What we can do though is have Tsubaki who I was having keeping the Sitri peerage in check kidnap Ravel and use her as a hostage. If we use this card we live but the eye of the public we will look really bad if we kill a member of the house we just took over

A/N Yuuki is using thought acceleration along with other characters during fights and scenes like these.

What I needed to do right now though is to buy time.

"Well then Riddle me this Ruval. What is long, hard, and has cum in the middle?"

"What the fuck?" he asked back

I had no idea what I was doing right now. Normally I would just talk but he would see through such a trick. I needed something to throw him off a little bit

We then stared at each other a little when Irina spoke up realizing what I was doing  "Ummm... Yuuki I don't think this is the time to do your wacky ass riddles,"

I then struck a weird pose with my hand running through my hair as I looked up into the sky "Well what do you think?"

He was so confused that he didn't answer at first but then "A penis-"


A/N I did not make this joke I saw it on a meme compilation once so I figured it would be a good confusion tactic

"..." He then stared at me with a confused look on his face with a gaze that said 'what are you even talking about?'

"Yuuki! Don't make jokes like that!" Irina said adding wonderfully to the act

"Irina! Don't you understand what it means to make such wonderful jokes? This is the aspect of life! Laughing!"

"Yea I understand that but-"

As she kept on talking I got a thought communication from Tsubaki saying that it was confirmed so my aura suddenly switched

"Alright sorry about that but now we have your little sister as a hostage and we'll kill her if you don't delete the tape,"

The weird atmosphere from before completely disappeared with Ruval realized what kind of trap he fell in.

"... Fine," He then showed me the magical device and destroyed it.

I wasn't naive enough to think that he only had one copy though.

I then realized something that would have made this a whole lot easier from the beginning. I thought communicated to Irina 'Where is Vali's gang?'

'They're with the Phenex's right now,'

'Tell them to come over here!'

'They can't. Tannin is over there with Sairaorg causing them to disperse,'

DAMNIT! I had the pieces in my hands but now I needed to think of a way to actually get out of here. I thought about it and... there was one thing, the public. We were in the Phenex household right now but it was fairly close to the town square where lots of people were. The downside to this though is our image but that can be fixed later

I took a big breath "RUVAL PHENEX IS TRYING TO KILL US!" I said with a voice so loud it probably went across the whole underworld.

Not even minutes later people started flooding the main gates with their phones out taking pictures with confused looks on their faces

I crept a smile on my face while I picked everyone up and we were all close together 

"Umm...was he actually about to kill you?" someone asked

"Of course he was. Can't you see how hurt me and my friends are? I just got done fighting Sirzechs and went I got back he was here fighting my friends!"

"What!" Ruval screamed "Don't be crazy I was-"

"How could he!" 

"I thought the Phenexs were on our side,"

"Why was he hurting our people and not the people who caused the bombing!"

"Wait there was a bombing?!?"

as the voices spread around and around I looked at Ruval and voiced with my mouth "We'll meet again soon,"


Thank you all for reading this chapter! I know this chapter got pretty goofy in the middle but I just got done reading a No Game No Life chapter that made me think of some on-the-spot buying time rather than the villain explaining his whole plan and whatnot. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you all soon!

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