King of Greed

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Issei finished his fight and came back inside the room to see everyone with smiles.

"Tch," He clicked his tongue.

I was seated alone right now but Ophis came up to me. 

"You're... quite something aren't you..."

"Of course I am. By the way, how was Issei even allowed in here?"

As he took a seat, he was staring at Vali with Vali staring back.

"Amaterasu had to of confirmed with Mammon for his permission. When you ref a game you are in complete control. Notice for example that everyone here is just a soul. If Amaterasu wanted to he could summon anyone, living or dead,"

"Ah, I see... Also, Serafall could you go next?"

Serafall wasn't really affected by the speech before but she still listened.

"If you don't mind my words... What do you think about Issei?"

"It certainly is surprising. If he's here then he 100% has a soul weapon. A domain maybe, but he is strong for sure. However, if he still cares about others then you can break them. Hell, even if you don't care about people you can still break them by taking away from them,"

"...You know what else this could possibly mean though right?"

"I doubt that the gods will ever be on his side. In the end, people will always carve into fear. He could try to be a bridge between Humans and Gods. To show that everyone is the same at the heart. However that thinking is weak, and because of that... it is impossible for me to ever lose to him,"

Time kept on ticking until finally, Mammon was up next.

"Well, let's end this stupid game,"

I stood up and walked out. Mammon was waiting for me with his eyes glass peering right at me.

"Your eyeglass is your soul weapon?" 

"Just because it isn't a weapon doesn't mean it isn't a representation of my soul,"

"I see. If I had to guess then you can probably see how strong I am with that yes? Are you thinking 'How can I get away without losing?' It's trying to run what makes you weak, if every time a human saw a lion and they gave up right away do you think they would still be the strongest animal? Of course not, but we improvise and think of ways we can fight. So try not to bore me too much,"

"FIGHT!" Amaterasu said

I charged in and did a quick right jab right at his jaw. He collapsed right away.

"Your... kidding,"

How is this guy a god? Are all sins this weak or am I just unordinary strong?

He then started to rise up though, his arms shaking as he lifted himself up.

"I know I can't beat you... but I ask that you at least let me live with my family and friends. All of them were important to me so please allow me to live with them!" 

He stopped lifting himself up and went on his hands and knees.

"You'll die anyway since you're losing your universe. You proposed the game, and you still tried to fight me in the beginning. So my answer,"

I didn't think I would have the time to actually break him down fully. I chopped his head clean off with my soul weapon and retreated back into the base.

Afterward, we were all pulled out. I was back with the gods but the sin-based gods all looked at me with scorn except for Sloth and Asmodeus.

"Well done! Now, in the name of Amaterasu, I declare Yuuki Kagurazaka as the new King of Greed!"

My group who also got summoned back cheered.

Afterward, we all left and went back onto earth so I could go in and review so things.

"So, Yuuki do you know who you're going to take with you?" Asked a nervous Tiamat.

I had thought about ditching them again but I had surprisingly learned something and that is that in the realm of gods you still need other people to work with, whether they're pawns or not.

I had spent some time reviewing the fight between them all. What I wanted to see the most was potential, not immediate results.

Tiamat was by far the strongest and had the most potential, so leaving her out would be idiotic. She easily cleared one of the stronger opponents without trying at all. Next up though... was a tie. Both Xenovia and Koneko were both good choices but I just didn't have enough to go on. However, if I were to trust my gut then...

"I've decided," I said making everyone look at me "Tiamat, and Xenovia are the two I've chosen as guards. As for the others, I will come and pick you back up as guards at a later date, once I feel you're ready,"

I could have also picked up Koneko but I feel like Koneko grows more the more she has something to show. Now that she has gotten left behind again I bet she'll grow twice as fast.

'These gods are going to be fodder. The way 5 of them looked after I beat Mammon was something, I guess after all the time they had become friends, after all that time, but needless to say, I can most likely control the sin gods in a month,'

(Issei POV)

It worked, I guess that Yuuki really underestimated me a lot if he didn't catch on. 

As I went to fight in the second match I told the two people fighting on their end to tell Mammon this 'You will die fighting Yuuki. However, make it as dramatic as you can. If you can do that then Asmedues and the other gods can move to take on Yuuki,'

They were skeptical at first but I pretended to keep fighting, after a while though they understood.

A little while after they forfeited

When they reported to Mammon he must have understood it right away, and while I wish it was more dramatic, it did the job. All of the Sin-based gods are focused on killing Yuuki, not on the lust of Asmodeus. Meaning now is my time to strike.

There is one guy that bothers me though, Sloth. He has never once done anything asked of him compared to the other gods that are Asmedues dogs. Rather, he seems to like Yuuki quite a lot.

Regardless though this is going to be checkmate Yuuki. Not even you can fight against 5 gods at the same time.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Nothing to really say so I hope to see you all soon!

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