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I was flying in space as I thought about what I could have done differently. I was too cocky and because of that, it cost me a big part of my arsenal.

"fuck...FUCK!" I yelled

Then I felt an aura behind me. I turned to Ophis floating there.

"What do you want,"

"Next time you do this don't create such a mess. You killed roughly 4 billion humans,"

"So? Isn't that helping with overpopulation anyway?"

She let out a sigh and held out her and just like that, the moon was back to how it was along with the lost human lives. I could feel the aura difference all the way from out here.

"You underestimated him because you thought you were closer to my level right?" She said with a smug emotionless face

"Guess so. Tell me, how strong are you?"

"That's a good question. To Big Red, this Universe is our sandbox. We can do what we want because it is ours. Make sense?"

"So I gotta be at least on the level to destroy the universe to compete?"

"Not exactly. Don't forget I share the title of the representative with Big Red,"

"Heh, so you can't destroy the whole universe on your own?" I wore a look of arrogance but then she replied

"Sadly I cannot one-shot the universe, maybe after 5, or 6 shots I could but that's the best I got,"

I stared at her deadpanly "...I'm leaving,"

"How do you plan to beat Samael without that sword of yours?"

"I'll find a way,"

"You know, I could-"

"I don't want anything from you, don't bother asking again,"


I then went back down to earth, all the humans went around as if nothing had changed once so ever. I teleported back to the underworld and Vali was at my base along with the rest of my team.

"Yuuki," Vali said with new-found arrogance "I want to challenge you, I win I want Excalibur, If you win you can have one thing of mine,"

A devious smile came to my face "What about your sacred gear?"



He probably thinks now that he has a skill he's the shit now.

"Wait Yuuki! How did the fight go?" Irina asked.

"It was a bit of an issue but no losses,"

I then went outside with Vali and he went Balance Breaker right away

'Once I see his technique I can copy it and then win,' Is probably what he's thinking

"You ready?"

"Anytime!" He replied back in haste

"3, 2, 1, go,"

as soon as I said go I was instantly in front of him. He tried to take a step back but then he got socked so hard in the face that his whole armor broke. He passed out immediately as he hit the ground.

The girls watched without expression since they knew this was what was going to happen.

"Well, I'll come back once he wakes up,"

I went inside with the group leaving the knocked-out Vali on the ground

I plopped down on the couch and started to talk about the fight

King of GreedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin