Battle WIth the Fallen

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The next day of school was boring as always except Issei seemed to be freaking out. I guess that's expected though when you get turned into a devil.

The Lunch bell rang, normally I meet Tsubaki at this time but I needed to be at this battle soon so I went to find Rias or Akeno. I walked around with a panicked look on my face when I ran into Akeno.

I followed her from behind even though I made it pretty obvious I was stalking her. She turned into an ally where no one was around. As she did I pulled out a knife I had

'I bet when I turn she'll have a weapon pointed at me,' 

As I thought when I turned there was a light spear at my neck

"What are you doing?" The only thing preventing her from killing me right now was the fact that I was human. Not to mention I only had a knife in my hand

"P-please I need you to die!" I yelled as I very slowed attempted to stab her. She knocked it out of my hands and pinned me down to the ground.

"Explain yourself or I will kill you right here,"

"... They want me to kill you..." I faked being panicked and scared


"I...I don't know there was a group with smiley face masks and they told me to kill you. If I didn't then they said they would kill me,"

"What?" She seemed genuinely confused

"They... also said you're a devil,"

Her eyes went wide at this "Listen I need you to tell me where did you find them,"

"I was walking home when I got pulled to some random space, the sky was purple, hahaha..can you believe that?!?!?"

She didn't say anything at first but then she spoke up "...I can protect you for right now until the problem is dealt with, but I'm going to ask Rias to see if we can house you for right now,"

"...Thank you," I said 

After school, she brought me to the Occult Research Clubs room in the old school house where Rias, Kiba, Koneko, and Issei were all at currently. She then ran down my situation.

"I see. Yes, I suppose we can take care of him. Yuuki you do know that we are devils though right?"


"Good. Koneko protect him at all times ok?"


After that, they told me that I would be alright and sent me home. I went to my old house where I hadn't been in a long time. I entered the house and my parents acted like nothing was wrong.

"Oh Hey, Yuuki," My mom greeted me

"Hey, mom," I waved back "This is Koneko she is a friend and just got in an argument with her parents so is it alright if she can stay here for a little while?"

"Sure, there's no problem," My mom assured with a smile

A week had then passed with me activating greed on Koneko and Tsubaki. Now at this point, they were both fully under my control free to use as I wished. 

"Yuuki, we're going to battle tonight, are you going to come with us?" Koneko asked

"Of course, I can't wait to see this fight," I said with a grin as I got up from laying in my bed.

We met up at the church with Kiba and Issei.

"Hey, are we gonna be alright without the Prez and Akeno?" Issei asked "Also will Yuuki be ok? He's a normal human,"

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