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The Landscape around me once again changed after my yelling, and then I realized something.

'Ah...So this is a test,'

They would have killed me by now or at least made a move. They want to see if I can be a god in not only the body but mind.

"All right then... I'll play your game,"

I was then back in my old base and that was when the old group all came in the doors.

"Yuuki! We're back!" Tiamat yelled as she jumped on me

"So is this how you see them? I don't remember them being this happy and friendly at all... just WEAK,"

I then cut off all the heads of the people in the room. 

The landscape went into each of my memories and replayed them. My first Football match (Soccer), my first friend, and my favorite birthday. And in each memory, it ends up stained in blood.

After a while, I was back in the real world, with both Ophis and Bigred looking at me from afar. 

"Yuuki, you have the strength needed and the right mind. We will give you the Title," Ophis said

I looked at them and said "...Are you stupid? Let me fight you and let me earn it,"

"You don't get it, do you? Bigred nearly died from what you did. Not to mention that last attack nearly filled up your bar.

She was right, but I didn't plan to take the easy way out. I wanted to prove that I was better than them, not just have it be speculated that I was.

"Fine, then you fight me one-on-one,"

"You are mistaken if  you think I'm as good of a fighter as Big-"

Before she could finish I charged in and attempted to stab her, only for Bigred to step in.

"Yuuki, we concede. That's that,"

"We can stop fighting when I want to. If this is how you always are then no wonder you're the weakest,"

"Yuuki, provoking us won't work," Ophis said even though a tick mark appeared on Bigreds head.

"Very well then, if that's the case then you won't mind listening to what I have to say right?" 

Ophis nodded

"For starters, Both of you are embarrassments of gods. Not only in power but in mind. I don't give two shits if you got split into two, I climbed my way up from being a human to a fucking demi-god. Ophis you claim to be weak and while you are you actively don't do anything about it. I'm surprised you didn't take over Sloth's role for that sin. And Bigred, your intelligence is so low it actually baffles me, I could outsmart you as soon as I was born. In conclusion, you are both pieces of shit that are the sole reason for your own weakness,"

After my rant, Bigred seemed ready to explode along with Ophis

"Is that so... Yuuki?" Ophis said as she looked at me, eyes filled with hatred. "Then maybe you don't need to be here after all. Die,"

Bigred then charged at me. I collided right with him and we started exchanging blows.



After a while, I realized that Ophis hadn't been interfering at all. I then looked for her but she was gone. Bigred then got a clean hit on my face. I tried to slash at him but then he just disappeared.

"What?" I asked no one. 

I then suddenly got a terrible feeling so I used future and yup, this was bad news. The galaxies were all coming to crash right into me. I could see them move a little from using Future in my direction. There seemed to be 5 in total but this was way dangerous. 

I then quickly tried to teleport only to realize a fatal mistake.

"Ah... fuck. I messed up," 

I never left Bigreds domain. I think that was also a test that they did back there but I must have really provoked them to go to such measures. All of my magic was sealed off so I could only use skills. I quickly tried using parallel existence only for nothing to happen

'Master, It would seem that since becoming a demi-god there are no longer any other versions of yourself other than yourself right now. Every Yuuki regardless of Timeline, Universe, or reality is gone except you,'

"Well, that's cool and all but I'm about to be hit with an amount of force that I can't even imagine,"

'There is a 93% You will live, but a 0% chance you will get away uninjured.'

I quickly tried to see if Pride would allow me to copy the black hole the Ophis made but it didn't work.

"Then let's just lessen the blow,"

I then swung my sword with enough might that even though air didn't exist in space the force of each swing cut through billions of planets and stars. The billions of Supernovas that happened couldn't even be comprehended as I focused everything on defense.

'Ok, I got heat nullification which will help with the heat but only regular pain resistance... This is gonna hurt,'

And then I started to feel it. The amount of force made Bigreds attacks seem weak. This was basically the power of the full universe that I was taking. The force started to build up more and more with my skin getting peeled off head crushed but I didn't even need those to live. I kept regenerating them though since my soul needs a protector.

After who knows how long it stopped. I felt like I had been there for millions of years but who knows how much time had even passed.

I took a step forward only to realize nearly all of my Magicules were spent. I was now just floating in the void. If Bigred or Ophis came back now... I would be fucked.

Then though like reality had been broken the space shattered and I was back in the REAL world. at least I hoped.

I was barely able to turn my head when I saw an unconscious Bigred and Ophis.

'Ah... so they also must have had to taken the blow head-on. If they left the Universe... or better yet the dimension then I would have left with them so they had to stay. They just got as far away as possible... I guess cutting all those stars while they were far away must've done a number on them,'

I couldn't move so I was left with my thoughts. Just floating... waiting for someone to wake up. 

'So 666 could survive that as well? I guess though his resistance would allow him to, but maybe... just maybe I underestimated these foolish dragons,' I thought as I looked at the both of them.


Thank you all for reading! As for where the story will go from here will be Yuuki attempting to take control of all the gods and become the one true god. Also, I just want to say thank you all so much for the support. This is the 50th chapter and I've had a blast writing these chapters and I hope you've had just as much fun reading them. Anyway with that said I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you all soon! 

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