17 | december part 3

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I got an answer..and pretty quickly-.

Message from +46********

Hey..um..My sincere condolences..Even though
condolences..Even if I didn't like her
really like her..as you
know.. Love greetings

Who are you?

So he had deleted my number since we had no contact.
And that from the day I know that August posted the video....
What should I answer? Should I leave him on read? No, I have never done that before..Not even after an argument.

So I take a breath and think before I start typing. Something that has been more than important to me for years....

Message to +46********

I have forbidden myself
to come closer. Did not want to feel
feel. From one day to the next
day nothing was the same as it
it was before. I am an adult now,
You are too. We make our
our own decisions, go our
way. But something is missing. For four
I have been avoiding new people
people, if I don't have to work with them.
work with them. I miss you, very much.
In these four years I lie alone in
in a bed, I have not kissed anyone
kissed and forgot everything I
hated. Your number...I could
it by heart, so I wrote to you...
probably hoping to get rid of the emptiness
inside me for a short moment... You are happy as I
I see... if you know who is writing
this, then you also know that I know
I know YOU inside out.
Your smile is real and it brings
Tears in my eyes when I see
That you have done something that I in
in these four fucking years
have even begun to get on the row.

My father died shortly after our
shortly after our fight over the
overdose. Mom was pretty broken
Since she had to plan everything. In fact
she also wished you
Had been there. But I was too
too scared to call you...
I was afraid you'd drop me...

I want you to know, Will...
I love you more than anything. And that will
never change.
I don't expect an answer either because as
I said four years ago that you should
never write to me again, you did not
you didn't. And it was the right decision.
But if you should answer...I would
not at all disappointed...I would be
Even pleased.
I wish you only the best, and
A great, beautiful future with Felice<3


I am surprised how much I have written.
Yes, it is Felice. At the latest when I see his posts on Instagram, I know that they are really together.
In tears, I put my phone away, turn off the TV and go out onto the balcony.
One deep breath after the other makes me come down a bit.
Then suddenly my cell phone rings. Probably my mother who had also seen the news.
She misses Wille as much as I do. He was like a second son to her.

Without looking at the screen I answer it.

"Simon...you... Simon, is that you?" The voice sounds more than familiar.
,,Yes...Y-yes..." I stammer and sit down slowly.
His voice...wow...I would have done anything to hear it again in private...alone.

,,It's really you... Holy shit..."

,,You... You shouldn't curse that. You know that..." I mumble. It was not an unpleasant conversation. It was pleasant, even the silence between everything that was said.
,,As you said, we make our own decisions, so I can curse too", I hear him smile. Probably like me now, from one ear to the other.
I just want to tell you how proud I am of you". my voice fails.

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