7 | december

310 11 5

TW : Speech of self-harm, speech of suicide

"Wille, what's wrong? You haven't been in class for days!" Simon says quietly after coming into my room to check on me. He cuddles up to me in bed and wraps his arms around me.
Without wanting to, I start crying.
,,It's all too much for me, all this with my family and my existence as a crown prince"
I sob. With slow movements he runs over my back. His forehead is against mine so that our noses touch a little.
He takes his hand from my back and puts it against my cheek. With his thumb he wipes away the tears.
,,Why didn't you want me to see you?"

,,I don't want you to see me like this". is my answer. I look him in the eye.
,,That's what I'm here for... to take you in my arms when you're not feeling well". He whispers and kisses my forehead.
,,Thank you Simon", I murmur and hope that he doesn't look at the sleeves of my sweater, which are rolled up a bit.
We cuddle some more.
I fall asleep.

Suddenly I am awakened by something shaking my shoulder.
,,Wille! Wille, why are you doing this?"

,,Huh?" I sleepily look at Simon with tired eyes.
,,Your arms! They are full of scars!" He says and takes my arms.
I sit up and look down dejectedly.
,,You need to talk to someone, Wille! Be it the psychologist here!" Simon says and pulls me into his arms.
I cling to him, claw into his sweater and try not to cry.
He pushes me away a little, looks at me and kisses the little tears from under my eyes.
Slowly he slides down a little, letting little soft kisses rest on the scars.
It only brings more tears to my eyes, how much he cares for me. How gently he kisses the scars and keeps murmuring something that means a lot to me..

,,I love you so much, Wille... We can do this together! Both of us!" Simon says and places one last kiss on my forearm before sitting down next to me.
,,Can you hold me?" I ask softly. He just nods, wraps his arms around me and sighs.
,,You don't deserve being treated like this..I wish I could help you more. "

,,You already do by smiling at me...I love you too Simon."

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