3 december -Simon-

350 13 2

TW: Argument , Panic attack

(This chapter is also just mixed with themes and moments from the episodes of the series. Sorry btw that I write most of the chapters in Simon's point of view but it's somehow easier for me, I don't know why).


I looked around. Yawning, I stretched and first tried to realise where I was.
I am lying in my bed. Next to me...wait...no wille? But he was there yesterday.

'Simon, don't worry so much,' I admonish myself in my head and get up.
Tired, I look around. 08:47, I read as I look at my mobile phone.
So my mother was already on the early shift and Sara was on her way to Felice. I still knew that from last night.

"Wille? Where are you?" I say in a tired voice and walk through the rooms of our house.
No answer.
So I pick up my mobile phone and open Wilhlems and my chat to write to him

You said you'd do
something about it! You promised me
promised me never again
and leave me alone again!!!

Simon really!
I'm so sorry!

No! I've given you so
so many chances and
you do NOTHING! You
Wanted to talk to your parents
about us!


Wilhelm has gone offline

I am downright more than pissed off!
He promised me... he wanted to talk to them to finally get these problems out of the way. And now it's all started all over again.
We had such a nice evening yesterday. But I never thought that everything can change so fast.

Sighing, I get changed and go to the kitchen, where I first make myself a large coffee.

Now I sit here. Drinking my coffee and thinking about everything I've been through with Wille so far.
When we played each other off against each other or fought together....

Suddenly the doorbell rings. I have no idea how long I have been sitting here.
A glance at the clock tells me that it is already shortly before nine.
As I look out of the window in the dining room and kitchen, I recognise Malin.
Is Wille here?
I immediately jump up to open the door.

,,Get dressed, Simon, it's urgent."

"Is something wrong with Wille?"

"Please follow me"

I sigh. Can't they even answer a normal question?
I reach for the key on the dresser, turn off the light and follow her outside with my jacket and mobile phone.

We drive to the Hillerska square.
I don't wait long for her to open the door for me, but get out as soon as she stops.
With quick steps I make my way to Wille's room.
His room door is open, Henry is kneeling in front of him.
When I catch sight of him, a shiver runs through me.
There he sits. A panic attack, red eyes. He is trembling.

,,Wille!" I say and kneel down next to Henry who gets up at that moment to leave us alone. He closes the door behind him.
"Will, look at me!"
He keeps muttering my name to himself.

"Wille, I'm here! Look at me! You have to breathe with me. In...stop...and out!"
I take his face in my hands to force him to look at me.
He opens his eyes and rubs his hand over his chest.
,,Inhale, stop and exhale again. Exactly," I say softly.

He calms down. But it takes a long time.
Now we are sitting here. He lies in my arms. I sit on the floor leaning against the wall.
"Was it because of my message?"

Wille nods and shakes his head a little at the same time.
,,I'm sorry Wille...I know it's hard for you...I think I've been thinking too much".
My hand keeps stroking the strands of hair that fall from his face.
,,Your reaction was justified..." he murmurs and presses himself even closer to me.
,,I'm sorry Simon...I love you so much...thank you for...well sort of...doing this to yourself."

,,I love you too, Wille, and no one can change that. Never," I whisper and kiss his forehead. And now it all begins.
The start of a wonderful and bumpy love story.

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