5 | december

349 13 3

TW: Violence

,,NO! WILLE! WILLEEEEE!" I screamed, hoping he would hear me.
On and on he ran until he was grabbed. He was being beaten again and again. He was bleeding everywhere but I couldn't get any further.
I screamed but it escaped me not a single sound.

I open my eyes. Wille...wille!" I mutter and look around in panic.
I hear someone behind me. Then I feel a hand on my arm pushing me back into the mattress.
,,Shh hey what's wrong?"


,,Oh god Simon you are sweating like crazy. I'm here, I'm fine. We're fine, you're safe," my boyfriend says and immediately takes me in his arms as I lie closer to him.
,,Do you want to talk about it?" he asks after some time of silence.
I see that he is tired, but he tries to stay awake.
,,Yes..." I say softly and look up.

,,I am listening to you" he smiles tiredly and takes my hand. I intertwine our fingers and take a deep breath before I start talking.
,,You...you were running and I called for you...you didn't hear me and then you were grabbed and beaten until you almost bled to death." I tell him through my tears.
My heartbeat doubles in speed.
Wille seems to notice and forces me to look at him.
,,I'm here, and I'll hold you as long as you need it," he says softly. He says softly and kisses my forehead.
A kiss on the forehead is a promise. And he keeps it. He holds me as long as I need him to.
,,Thank you Wille..."

,,I love you" is his tired answer before his eyes close. But I know I can lie here and nothing will happen to me, to us.
At some point I also fall asleep.

I am awakened by a light tickle on my face.
Wille strokes my hair from my forehead.
When I open my eyes, I look right into his.
You can see so much in them, read so much from them. Especially his feelings and what he wants to say, even if he doesn't speak.
,,Good morning" I say and give him a little kiss.
Smiling, he intensifies it a little.
I pull myself on top of him, sit on his hip and return the passionate kiss.
At the latest when it knocked we broke apart. I quickly crawl under my covers.

,,My mother opens the door and looks at us.
Good morning, you two. I have to go to work now. Breakfast is ready and you can do the rest by yourselves".

,,Good morning, thank you mom", I thank her. Wille also greets my mother and thanks her.
,,Good, see you this evening," I nod. She closes the door.
,,I am really hungry, are you coming with me?" I ask and sit on him again.
He grins. ,,Sure...but first..." he pauses for a moment and puts his hands on my hips.
,,I HAVE TO TICKLE YOU!" he shouts and starts to tickle me.
,,Stop it!" I try to resist and tickle him too, but he wins. Not a minute later, he is propped up over me, looking down into my eyes.
I put my lips on his and just wait for him to respond.
Then I detach myself.

Together we get up and take turns using the bathroom.
In the kitchen, Wille makes coffee for both of us.
,,Thank you," I thank him and immediately take a sip.
,,Ouch..." I mumble and squint my eyes as the hot coffee runs down my throat.
After a brief moment, the pain subsides. I look into the amused face of my boyfriend.
,,What?" I ask, pouting playfully, and cross my arms in front of my chest.

,,You knew exactly that the coffee was hot"

, Well, I didn't wait for you to cool down. Especially since that will probably never happen!"

,,Okay, that was good." he laughs and continues to eat breakfast like me.

Humming to the music in the background, I brush my teeth.
Wille has just changed as he grabs his toothbrush and also brushes his teeth.
He actually has everything that he also has with him, in my room.
Toothbrush, toothpaste and so on.
I grin at him, rinse out my mouth and hug him from behind.
When I look in the mirror, I have to laugh. It looks funny, as if a child would hug his father.
,,Imagine being as small as you are," he laughs. He laughs and looks into my eyes in the mirror.
,,Can you stop bullying me!", I ask in mock horror. I ask in mock horror and slap him on the shoulder.
,,It's cute, isn't it?" He giggles and turns to me after he has finished brushing his teeth.
He plants a little kiss on my nose, which I reflexively wrinkle.
,,I love you" He murmurs and closes his arms tightly around me.
,,I love you more"

"Not pos-"

,,Nothing is impossible and now you have to accept it". I smirk and put my head against his chest...

Y O U N G ~ R O Y A L S || ONESHOT BOOK || 1 || [Finished/Abgeschlossen]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora