14 | december

285 10 0

POV Simon

Tw: //

I get off the bus. It is freezing cold. Immediately I put my hands in the pockets of my winter jacket.
Since Sara now lives at Hillerska, I have to drive here alone in the morning.

Humming to the music that enters my ears through headphones, I plod to school.
Everything is still quiet. This time I took an earlier bus to go to Wille's room.
If Malin lets me in. 

,,Good morning, Malin. Is Wille already awake?"

,,Oh, good morning Simon. No, his alarm clock usually goes off at half past six."

"Well, thank you. Can I go in?" I ask and try to put on a somewhat, well, begging look.
,,I'm sorry. I can only let someone into the room if the Crown Prince really wants me to".

A sigh escapes me. "Please, Malin. I won't wake him either!"
Now she sighs. The corners of her mouth twitch up a little.
She takes a step to the side. So I can enter Willes room.
Before I close the door behind me, I whisper a soft thank you.

My gaze slides through the room. There are clothes everywhere on the floor. His desk looks like there All the sheets, books and notebooks are spread out and crumpled on top of each other.
Then I look at Wille. He is lying there, in his bed, sleeping peacefully. The blanket is pulled up to his nose.
Sweet" I mumble and put my backpack down on the second bed.

Again I let my gaze wander around the room. And without thinking much, I tidy up a bit.
I put the clothes on a pile and hang up some sweaters in the closet.

I sort the sheets of paper into folders according to the compartments.
Actually, everything went very quickly. A look at the clock told me, however, that I was already almost half an hour here. And he had not noticed anything.

Willes alarm clock should ring soon anyway. Quietly I take my shoes off my feet and take off my jacket, which lands on the bed like my backpack before.
When I lay down next to him, he lifts his arm out of the blanket and wraps it around me. As if he had noticed that I am here all the time.
My hand wanders through his hair. It's a mess and sticks out in all directions.
Simon," it was Wille. Good morning, Wille," I whisper and climb under the pleasantly warm blanket he lifts.
His eyes remain closed all the time. Where did you come from?" he asks in a rough voice.
Only now I notice that his eyes are red and swollen.
I wanted to be with you a little before class," I explain. I explain and move closer to him.
He puts his arm back under the blanket and wraps it tightly around me to be as close as possible.
I have tidied up a bit. What's going on, Wille?"

"Oh, I'm just tired. Everything is fine" he smiles. But it is not his smile. It is fake.
Slowly he sits up, stretches and pulls the covers aside to crawl out of bed over me.
,,Wille, now wait a minute...please don't lie to me." I remain calm. Even though, for no reason, a certain anger forms in me.
,,I...am not lying!" His voice rises, but it automatically lowers again when he notices how he started to hit me.
,,I...everything is ok".

,,No, Wille, nothing is okay. You can talk to me", despite the fact that I say this, I keep my distance, in case he doesn't want me to come closer to him.
I sit up.

,,I...I just don't feel well...tired...weak...." "Wille sighs. He runs his hand over his face, through his hair and looks around.
,,You want a hug?" I ask after a short moment of silence.
Wille nods. ,,Please..."

So I stand up, walk towards him and take him in my arms. He lets himself fall, relaxes and puts his head on my shoulder.
,,I love you, remember that" I whisper and hold him that morning for as long as he needs.

That day I was late for class, but Wille felt a little better and that's what mattered to me.

707 words

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