15|16 december (extra long chapter)part 2

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I snuggle closer and closer to Wille, enjoying the soft and steady sound of his heartbeat.
It calms me. Makes me feel safe.

I let my cold hands wander under his sweater and run it up and down a bit.
He sighs and starts to smile.

A knock on the door lets us know that we have to go to class soon.
,,Crown Prince, Simon, you should leave in 10 minutes if you want to get to the other building on time."

,,Thank you Malin", he says and slowly sits up to stretch.
But immediately I pull him back down to me. ,,Was that also promised, that we would have more time later for what we have just started?"

,,Of course", he grins and puts his lips on mine, but shortly after that he breaks away again.
,,Come on, then we still have time to go over there".

,,She said 10 minutes," I smirk and look up at him. He can't help smirking and sighs rolling his eyes.
I let my hand wander over his thigh and squeeze a little.


Quickly I open Willes pants and let my hand slide into his boxers.
Whimpering softly he closes his eyes and leans his head against the wall.
Now I pull both pants and shorts down, let my lips wander over his thighs. Leave tender kisses that make him only crazier.
I come closer and closer to his best piece with my mouth until I finally close my lips around it.
Wille holds his hand in front of his mouth.
My movements become faster and faster, and after a while his breathing becomes more and more irregular.
,,Simon..." he murmurs.

When I let my tongue circle around his tip one last time, he comes under me, breathing heavily.
G,,od...why are you so good at this?"
I laugh lightly and hand him a handkerchief with which he cleans himself.
We stand up and get our things. Wille takes one last look in the mirror before we leave.
He still tries to calm down a bit.
,,I love you, you know that?" He says softly and takes my hand as we walk through the cold morning air to class.
,,I love you too Willeee".

"As homework, please work on page 132, numbers 4 and 5!"
Sighing, I make a note of the homework and pack up my things.
Six hours of school had passed. We were about to have lunch and planned to do homework with the others. That is, Henry, Walter and a few others.

,,Enjoy your food, Wille", I say as he sits down next to me with a plate full of food.
,,You too Simon", he smiles and we start to eat.
Today we had potatoes with bean salad and some kind of meat.

Constantly August looks over at us. It annoys me. I don't understand his problem, he seems to have money again now when he is here for the second semester of the third school year.
I look at Wille and kick him lightly in the leg under the table.
A little surprised he looks at me.
,,Are you okay?" He asks so quietly that only I can understand.
,,August sucks" Wille nods. "I know, we're going over there after dinner anyway, right?"

Now I nod and stuff the last two pieces of potato into my mouth.
As soon as I finish eating, I leave the room without waiting for Wilhelm.
Of course, he comes after me immediately after he has eaten.


I see him sitting there, on a staircase. He looks out of the window and bobs his leg restlessly.

TW: Fight!!

I really should tell him...I'm only making things worse by hiding everything from him.
,,Simon," I say and sit down next to him.
,,Hey!" He smiles, seems to be happy that I'm coming to him.
But I remain serious. ,,Is everything okay?" He asks, sitting down attentively to look at me.
,,I...There's something I haven't told you yet..."

Y O U N G ~ R O Y A L S || ONESHOT BOOK || 1 || [Finished/Abgeschlossen]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon