25 | 데이트

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[ Yoon Haeun POV ]

"what do you want to watch?"jungwon ask as we get to the cinema. "decibel?"i suggest, "im okay with anything"he say.

"then let's just watch that"i reply making him nod and we walk to the ticket counter. "can we buy food?"i ask making him smile, "of course we can,pick some"he reply.

we end up buying a popcorn and one coke cause i don't really drink soft drinks so i won't be able to finish it all alone.

we pick the seats on the middle row like literally on the center of the hall so our neck don't get hurt after.

the movie start after a few advertisements.we watch it as we try to understand what's the story is about.

[ Yang Jungwon POV ]

"will they die?it haven't been 30 minutes since it started and people are dying?"she whispered.

"handling a submarine seems fun"she continue.

i can't contain my laugh and start to giggle lowly.

cute haeun will be my favourite

"they're good-looking"she say making me scoff.

i lose focus on the movie and start staring at her.
"oh so there's survivors,how—nevermind"she rants making me smile.

"stop staring,my brain can't focus"she say as she hold my hand.i giggle and lean closer to her. "why?you feel nervous?"i ask and see she gulp then look away.

"gwiyeoweo"i cup her face for a second then let it go.

i start to look forward to focus back on the movie but i always end up glancing at her.she take the coke that i place on her seat handle that is between us.

she drink some making her cheeks fill up.i smile at her making she look at me and place the cup back with the coke still in her mouth.

i lean down and give her a peck on her right cheek making her froze as she swallow the drinks.she came back to sense after a few seconds and slap my left arm making me groan.

"that's unnecessary hard"i whispered.

"warn me first"she send a glare at me and lean back to her seat making me smile.i shake my head and continue with the movie.

[ Yoon Haeun POV ]

"the movie is well-made"jungwon say as i nod as we walk out of the cinema.the scene where he peck my cheeks keep replaying in my head.

i shake my head as it replay for the 50th times.

i heard jungwon chuckle making me look at him. "stop it"i say making him smile. "we should find something to eat"he say as he take my hand in his.

i must really like you

to let you do everything

if jaemin try to hold my my hand i would slap his hand away but i let jungwon every time

eunchae's right,i don't let someone court me

but i agreed to his deal

it is because i want to be more than friends

and i get that now

we walk into a western restaurant as i told him that it've been a long time since i get a pasta.after a few minutes of waiting,a waiter came to take our order.

jungwon phone light up showing jiwon's name.he look at me.

"just order whatever for me,i'm going to answer this quick okay?"he say making me nod immediately and he stand up and quickly went outside.

"is that your boyfriend?"the waiter ask making me shock.

"well—kind of"i answer and take a look at the menu given. "you look like a goddess,why do you choose him?i know he don't look good without even looking at him"he ask making me scoff.

"because it's my life"i answer without looking at him.

"we'll have one special carbonara and a seafood aglio olio"i continue as he wrote it down. "drinks?perhaps some wine?"he say.

"no thanks im 17"i reply.

"no one waits to be 20 to drink—"

"we'll just have two sparkling water"i cut him.

he sigh and wrote it down.i close the menu and look at him properly and realize who is he.

"Baek Taejin?!"i whispered shout to him.

"ah—Haeun..wait,who are you with-"his sentence being cut off as someone give me a bouquet of red roses in front of me making we're both shock.

i look at my left and see jungwon smiling.

"didn't you go to answer jiwon's call?"i ask.

"i ask her to call me so i remembered to take this from the shop i went earlier..ah annyeong"he say as he greet taejin and sit at his place.

i look at taejin face as he was definitely not expecting it will be the Yang Jungwon.i just smile as i look back at the bouquet.

Red Roses..

"Jungwon..?i take that back,he looks good"he say as he walk away with the menu. "does he flirt with you?" jungwon ask with a serious face.

"kind of?but he's bad at it"i reply as i put the bouquet on a vacant chair and giggle. "why did all of them are bad at it?"i question as i shake my head before looking at him.

"does 'they' include me?"he ask making me smile.

i shake my head.

"you...are really,great at it.."i say making him chuckle. "glad to hear that,i keep worrying on how it would cringe as it was my first time doing these"he say.

"you're doing good..really"i say as i look down,smiling widely.

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