13 | 양도일*

42 0 0

Yang Do Il*

[ 2020 | March ]

what's so special about the Kim's? their identity got leak due to their clumsiness but still seen as the most powerful one.

because two of them is the chosen?

i scoff and lean on my bed frame. "ours have been the chosen too.."i muttered. "Kim Haneul..how did she was born to be the chosen?she don't deserve that.."i continue.

i walk to my bedroom window and stare at the view outside. "why not me?"i question then heard the door open make me look back and see my dad.

"maybe it could be you if you're not greedy like now" he say making me scoff. "me?greedy?she don't deserve it"i reply.

he sigh and walk to me.

"Yang Do Il"he call.

"if you're the chosen one for this century,the world will collapse because of your behaviour"he say.

"i dont do anything wrong!what does she have that i dont?!"i fight back.

"you wanna know?empathy.kindness.patience.brain." he reply making me scoff.

"so i don't have the brain?"i ask in disbelief.

"if you do,you can see how stupid yourself are behaving. attacking haneul at school last january? is that what you call wise?"he say.

"what did she do to get the title?i can do better"i reply.

"yeah and you're nothing now without your power"he say and left me alone.

i look at my hand that slowly turn into a fist.

"im nothing?"i scoff.

"then i'll make me something..i'll get the power runs back"i continue.

[ 2042 ]

"dad it hurts!"

"be grateful i dont break any of your bones"i say as i hit the boy for the last time with a belt. "i've had enough of you,if i find out you're contacting any of them,i will not hesitate to kill you"i say and walk away.

i look back and watch the boy slowly get up from the floor and walk to his room with bunch of blue and purple marks over his body.

he can't be near Yuri,she could tell dad about this. I started hitting him after the divorced.She don't have to know any of this.

[ 2043 ]

"What do you want this time?"i ask as i take another shot of the alcohol in front of me.

"dad,can i have some money to buy school supplies?" i look at the 15-years-old boy in front of me and scoff.

"no.the last time i gave you money,you almost ran to your mother."i say and take another shot.

"why can't i met them?she's my mom too..why do you take me with you?"the boy fight making me smirk.

"cause they said the possibility for you to gain powers is higher than Jiwon,but yet here you are..useless"i glared at the boy making him look down and i left him there.

[ 2045 ]

"so he has been making money?ruthless"i say as i step into a small town in Seonam-gil.

"have you seen this boy around?"i ask with a worried face while showing a picture of Jungwon.

"Ahh i have,he move here around 3-4 weeks ago"
the old man say making me smile.

"can you show me where he live?"i ask again.

he look at me weirdly making me sigh.

"he ran away from his dad..he ask me to pick him up,im his uncle"i say with an assuring smile.he start to become convince and show me the way to his house.

i look at my watch, 4:36PM.

he should be home by any time.

"i heard he is working for part time around his school,he should be home by 9PM" the man say making me nod.

"that's okay,i'll wait for him"

that's what i say.

but he don't came back that night.

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