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[ Yoon Haeun POV ]

"finally!the whole week ends"jaemin say after walking out of the examination hall. "dramatic"i say making him glare at me.

he pull me close and head locking me making me groan. "na jaemin,i swear i'll—" "shut up princess"he cut me.

"since when did i become your princess?"i reply in annoyance.

"and yet they say they're not together"

"they're making it obvious"

we heard the other students say making me scoff,and finally escape from him.i give him a quick fast kick on his leg making him groan then walk away.

"ya wait!"i heard him but choose to ignore him anyway.i remembered something making me stop.

"mwoya..why did you stop?i almost trip over you"he say and stop beside me.

"it've been like 3 weeks but i still haven't add jungwon to the class group chat.."i mumble and sigh.

"eo,i think i saw him just now..go ask for his number while he's still here"jaemin say making me scoff.

"the problem is.one,where the fuck is he?two,will he talk to me?three,he will think im trying to hit him"i rant.

"you're the class pres for sake Yoon Haeun"he reply.

"i bet he don't even know that,he don't even look at me,how can he see me as pres?"i say making him roll his eyes.

"you literally do everything"he say, "and i dont think he pay attention to that"i reply. "shut up and ask him,he's there.alone."he continue and point at jungwon who is walking alone.

i take a deep breath,glance at jaemin and walk to jungwon.

why am i nervous like i am hitting up on him?you're a class pres,you've done this many times.just do this one more time..

"yang jungwon"i called making him stop and turn his head to me and look at me from my head to toe.

"i just called you,there's no need to judge me like that bro"i say making him sigh.the first and last time i heard his voice is when he say his name on his first day.

"wae?"he ask. "owh so you do talk"i mutter under my breath before walk closer to him while taking out my phone.

"i need your number"i say as i hand him my phone.

he just stare at it.

"im not hitting on you,Mrs Ra ask me to add you in the class group chat"i say.

"ah..and im the class pres since you probably didn't know.you look so uninterested in my name but it's yoon haeun.."i continue and mumble the last sentence.

i see him smirking while taking the phone in my hand and put in his number.He gave the phone back after few seconds.

he look at me, "is that it?"he ask making me nod. "thank you for the cooperation mr"i say and walk away from him.

[ Yang Jungwon POV ]

i look as she slowly fade from my vision.i scoff.

so yoon haeun?

"what were haeun doing with you alone?"jiwon say making me shocked at her sudden presence.

"you know her?"i ask.

"the right question is.who don't know her?"she say making me frown. "why would she be well known?" i ask her.

"her circle is expensive,in looks,wealth,intelligence.. one of them is my classmates,Kim Jiyeon.but they all kinda give weird vibe too"she explain.

i look in front of me.she's kinda right.something felt off with haeun and jaemin.

"ah and there's a rumor saying that they've known each other like since birth.how do they stay friends from then?they've been to same preschool,primary and all the way here"she rants.

that make sense,what's the reason they've been staying together since then?

"two of them are cousins,that's fine but no one ever saw the two parents,ever since i transferred here.. they never present,what are they so busy with?"she continue.

"okay,you can stop about them.im not interested in their story"i say making her laugh. "nah,i just make you even curious"she say making me glared at her and shake my head.

UNROYAL : ANTIPODEAN || 양정원 || YJW✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora