20 | 지켜

41 1 0


[ Yang Jungwon POV ]

"do it"

she agreed to the deal.now i have 7 days to check if i really like her more than a friend and she felt the same.

i secretly smile as i put all the books back into the locker,just carry the ones that we have work to do.

i look around the locker area but Haeun is no where to be seen.

i feel a tap on my shoulder making me look at my right just to see jaemin. "did haeun pass by?"he ask making me shake my head.

"isn't she's with you before exiting the class?"i ask.

he sigh, "we were but then i went to the teachers room to send books and she say she gonna wait for me here"he say making me confused.

"i really haven't seen her"i mutter and heard another sigh from jaemin. "maybe she went to the restroom" jaemin say,tilting his head before looking back at me.

"well,if you see her tell her i walk home with eunchae and minhyuk cause my dad will fetch me up for dinner at 6"he continue making me nod.

he then wave me a goodbye and left.

why does i feel uneasy?i felt this earlier too

i decide to take a walk around school before heading back to the apartment.

i put my backpack on my right shoulder and continue to walk on the other side hallway of the school, admiring the sky view.

it just 5 but the sky have form a little orange side of the sunset.

"AaH—"i heard a yelp.

and it's Haeun's.

i fasten my step,following the voice and stop when i see Daehyun holding her against the wall behind school.

He is holding a pocket knife near her neck.

"are you having fun making me look like a fool?"he say as he slam her against the wall making her groan. "but why are you so pretty?"he say and trace her cheeks with the knife.

"it makes me want to ruin you more"he chuckle as he leave a cut on her left collarbone and hold her face roughly making me scoff.

i rush to them and punch Daehyun face from the side resulting him making contact with the ground making Haeun shock. "jungwon-a.."she say making me look at her.

why do i feel so mad?

i look back at at Daehyun as he stand up again in front of me.he wipe his lips and scoff to see blood on his at hand.

"you again?why do you always get between us?"he ask making me chuckle. "and you say that as if you're in a relationship with her"i reply.

"you're getting me annoyed"he say and throw me a punch but im fast enough to avoid it and kick him on the stomach making him groan.

i take haeun hands in mine and pick her bag up then pull her away from there.

"y-ya wait.."she groans making me stop and turn to her. "wae?"i ask in worried as she seems to be in pain. i notice something on her right leg.

there's blood running down her thigh make my eyes widen. "let's head to the hospital"i say as i take off my school blazer to cover her up.

"aniyaa,it just a small wound..they'll treat it late even if we got there fast so let's go home,i don't want to go to the mansion anyway"she say,i didn't say anything but just stare at her and sigh.

"geurae..but can you let me carry you?it'll get worse if you walk"i reply with a calmer voice and she reply with a nod.i then crouch to make it easier for her to get on my back.

[ Yoon Haeun POV | Apartment | 5:48PM ]

jungwon put me down on the couch with his blazer under so the couch doesn't get stain by my blood.He came back with a bowl of water and a handkerchief.

he sit beside me,putting the things to treat my wound on the table in front of us.He look at my leg and back at me.

"do you want me to treat it?or you want to do it yourself?" he ask.

"you treat mine the other day,so i wonder if you'll let me do the same but it can make you uncomfortable so i have to ask"he continue making me look down to hide my cheeks that i could feel burning up.

"you could do if you want to,im okay with it..i trust you"i say and see a smile slowly creep out on his lips. That makes me smile too.

"here.clean the stains first"he say and hand me a wet cloth.I was about to take it but then my phone rings.

'Jooyeon oppa' named light up on the screen.i look at jungwon before reaching for the phone.i pick up the call and put it on a loud speaker.

"ya where are you?why aren't you home yet?"

i look up to jungwon and back to my leg.

"i went to my place,i want some time alone remember"

"but we have a family dinner at the palace"

"my parents aren't here anyways so i won't go"

"but my mom want to see you tonight..it's okay i tell her you're not well"

"eung,oppa gomaweo"

"eungg,call me if something happens,byee"

i reply a hum before ending the call.

"you really seems close with them"he say,in a tone that i couldn't figure out what he try to potray.

"wipe the stains,i forgot the antiseptic"he say as he hand me the cloth and get up to take the first aid that he put on the counter.

i wipe the stains of my blood on my lower thigh and knee until he sit back beside me,dip a small cotton in the antiseptic and apply it around the wound making me flinch.

"ah mian"he say and continue to apply them as smooth as possible so it won't stings so much.

"are you perhaps jealous because of how close we sound?"i unconsciously ask making him look up to me with a blank face.

"why would i?you grew up together"he say in a flat tone before getting back to treating the wound making me speechless.

"you're bad at lying"i mumble.

he heard it but he pretends not to and it shows.

i continue to watch him as he put the iodine on the cloth and put them on the wound then wrap it with the bandage.

he look up at me as he done making me realize how close we are at the moment.i didn't look away even my mind says to do so and keep the eye contact.

he is the one who break it and cough.

"we should treat the one on your shoulder"he say as he take a new cotton and barely dip it in the antiseptic.

i gulp as i unbutton the two highest button of my uniform so the wound can be seen clearly.he switch his place to my left.

i just look down on his hands which is treating the wound carefully and i can see how much he try to not make any contacts on my skin that could make me feel uncomfortable.

i then glance at his face,admiring his face features.

His eyes,nose,lips.

it is so clear from here.why don't i see how good they looks before?his deep eyes,sharp nose,round lips.

i feel like im drawn into him,i keep looking at his lips.

"stop staring,you're making me nervous"he say making me look at him in the eye and realize that he is looking at me.

"if this thing ever happens again,will you come just like how you did today?"i ask.

"of course,even if we become strangers again"he answers. "why would we.."i say making him smile.

"who knows,you could push me away"he say.

"i won't"

i reply.

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