041. princeton

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"So...what's up?"

Taehyun licked his lips out of nervousness, trying to break the news to his younger sister.

"Just...read this." he slid his laptop to Haewon, on the opposite side of the table.

She glanced between him and the screen briefly before looking over the email Taehyun pulled up. Her eyes widened when she saw the sender. As she kept reading her jaw dropped slack on the floor. She let out a chuckle of disbelief.


His lips formed a tight smile as he awaited her response.

"You got into fucking Princeton?!"

"Yup!" the older laughed.

"Oh my god! Wha- come here, you bitch!"

Haewon stood up, quickly walking over to him and reaching her arms out for a hug. The blonde stood up as well and gladly returned the hug. The girl couldn't contain her squeals of happiness. She felt so proud of him for achieving something this huge.

"Holy shit." Haewon breathed out, still in shock.

"Stop swearing." Taehyun scolds.

"Shut up! Princeton accepted you! You know how big that is?!"

The older's eyes watered as the news sunk in. "Yeah."

"No no no don't cry! If you cry then i'll cry and- fuck, i'm crying."

Taehyun laughed as Haewon burst into happy tears in front of him. He comforted her by rubbing her back while holding back his own tears. Once she calmed down, he decided to tell her about the bad news.

"Hae...um." Taehyun sighed.

"What? What's wrong?" Haewon sniffled.

"Obviously, Princeton's in the states. I think you what i'm trying to say."

The girl's face fell. Right.

"The email says i'm leaving a month after the school year ends."

"Th-that means you'll leave in just two months...?" her voice started breaking.

"Mhm. You'll be okay, though. I know you will."

The two siblings just made up, and now Taehyun has to leave?

It's not fair, but...

This is his dream.

I'll be okay.


The blonde smiled at her, thankful that she understands. "It's not you i'm worried about...it's the Heeseung stuff."

Haewon gasped before smiling to herself. "Oh right! I also have news."

He eyed her skeptically. "And what might that be?"

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