031. a walk

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Tonight was one of those nights where Haewon didn't want to go to sleep and just wanted to take late night walks through the streets and around her neighborhood. It was a little dangerous, yes, but she's never been in a situation like that and she's been doing this for years. She wore her black coat and boots with a knitted scarf wrapped around her neck. Her nose was red from the cold yet she didn't really care. It was so peaceful just walking to wherever her feet take her. There were only a few other people around so she wouldn't have to worry too much.

Shortly after, she heard soft footsteps from behind her. She didn't pay much attention to it and just thought it was a nice civilian who would bring no harm, just minding their own business. Until they got progressively louder and closer. Haewon didn't dare to look behind her and just sped up her pace. She scavenged through her coat pocket to look for her phone as subtly as possible just in case. Her eyes widened in horror when she didn't feel her phone and remembered she had left it at home since it was dead. The girl's heart rate sped up in a way that was definitely not normal.

To say she was terrified was an understatement. The cold chill stung her eyes and they got watery.

Do I turn around and tell them to fuck off?

No, you dumbass! What if they have a weapon?

A hand on her shoulder caused her to shriek and turn around, almost stumbling to the ground if not for someone catching her.

"Haewon, it's just me!"

The girl let out a huge sigh of relief upon seeing a familiar face. Holding her chest to slow her breathing, she glared at the person. "You scared the hell out of me, Hee!"

"Sorry. Why are you even out here, though?! It's 1am, are you insane? What if it wasn't me behind you?"

"I was just going for a walk." Haewon looked down and started to realize how stupid she really was.

"Then you should've called me. Don't ever go alone, okay?"

The girl nods. Her heart was still racing from the scare as they walked back to her house. Even though Heeseung was with her, she was a little paranoid and had to make sure no one jumped out from the alleyways or shadows. The boy noticed her being on edge and slowly crept his hand to hers and held it, warming her up quickly.

"So...why were you out here-"

Haewon pauses when she sees Heeseung's red, flushed cheeks as he glances at their hands. A smirk forms on her face and the boy slightly panics. "It's just the cold."

"I didn't say anything?" she suppresses a laugh, finding it fun to make fun of him.

"Whatever. Um, I was getting something for my grandma, tha-that's why I was out here."

The girl nods in understanding. A few minutes pass when Haewon sighs and stops in her tracks, making him stop as well as their fingers were interlocked.


"I don't wanna go home yet."

"Hm? You're not scared anymore?"

"Shut up. Let's go to that convenience store over there, i'm hungry!!" she points to the store and starts dragging him with her.

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