005. nerd

613 19 20


At their lunch table, Haewon and Chaeyoung have a debate on the best ice cream flavor while eating their food.

"Chocolate is the only right answer." Haewon enthusiastically declares.

"It's easy to get sick of chocolate, but not vanilla."

"Agree to disagree."

"Hmph." Chaeyoung shrugs and they continue to playfully banter over random things, though quickly making up.

The two girls enjoy their lunch break until something at the table behind Chaeyoung catches her eye. Taehyun is walking over to. Heeseung's table and sitting down. The two start laughing and cracking jokes, beaming at each other. They look happy. Haewon never saw that smile on her brother's face before and it only made her feel worse. What if the two siblings had been this close? She frowns as she directs her gaze back onto her tray, yet not eating.

"You okay?" Chaeyoung asks her friend with a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine, Chae." Haewon puts on her practiced smile, but Chaeyoung quickly catches on when Haewon glances behind her once more.

"Don't look at them, look at me." the blonde girl beams and cups her own face with a pout.

Haewon laughs at her, revealing her genuine smile. Seeing her smile again, Chaeyoung goes back to eating with a relieved look. She glances at her watch and thinks for a moment before leaning in and smirking.

"Wanna leave? We have 40 minutes before lunch ends, let's do something fun!"

"Girl, you know me so well." Haewon shakes her head before grab their bags and stand up with their trays in hand, returning them on their way out.


There is a thrift store not too far from their school, so they walk there. It only takes 5 minutes, and once they reach their destination, the two excitedly walk in and start digging through the piles and racks of clothing, as if digging for treasure. They both have a basket dangling on their arms. Quickly, their baskets fill with pieces of clothing from various styles. Trousers, crop tops, pleated skirts, baggy jeans, etc. They make their way to the fitting rooms and begin trying on their findings with glee, though they both know they'll buy absolutely nothing.

They get weird looks from onlooking customers as they come out one by one with ridiculous outfits and poses, though they couldn't care less. They laugh and dance and have so much fun that they lost track of time. The lunch break ends in less than 10 minutes and they have to put all the clothing back. The two friends rush to exit the store and leave empty-handed, though their smiles never faltered. Speed-walking back to school, they make it at the gate with a few minutes left to spare and sigh in relief.

"I'll see you later, Chae!" Haewon yells as they go their separate ways. Haewon has English now, so she makes a trip to her locker and walks to class. She enters the classroom and sits down in one of the seats in the back. She gets settled down and pulls out her supplies, still smiling from before. To no one's surprise, Heeseung comes in right before the bell rings and plops down in a seat.

"You're in a good mood." Heeseung remarks.

Haewon slightly flinches and sees Heeseung sitting next to her, again. Her smile fades as soon as she sees the boy.

"There's plenty of empty seats, why did you have to sit here?"

"I felt like it." he shrugs.

Haewon looks away in frustration before diverting her attention back to the lecture. She begins writing down stuff in her notebook and occasionally raising her hand to answer the questions thrown at the class, her being one of the few. Whenever she'd answer a question, Heeseung would always have a confused look on his face, not a clue as to what she was talking about.

Heeseung rips out a bit of his composition notebook and writes something down. He glances at the teacher, then at Haewon. Once he's sure the teacher's not looking, Heeseung scoots over and places the crumpled piece of paper on Haewon's desk. Puzzled, Haewon looks at Heeseung and back at the note in her hand. She hesitatingly opens it under her desk and her confused expression turns into an annoyed one as she reads;


Haewon grabs her pencil and begins writing something down on the paper as well. She crumples it and throws it at the boy once the teacher has her back turned. Heeseung curiously opens the note with a grin, which quickly fades as he reads the words written.


Heeseung didn't bother her until after class ended. Haewon walks out of the classroom, to which Heeseung catches up and walks beside her.

"Stop following me." she rolls her eyes.

"I need to ask you something about the project." he grins.


"Since we're partners for it, i'll need to contact you somehow if we're gonna work together."

"Oh." she mutters. "Right."

Heeseung pulls out his phone from his pocket and presses a few things on it before handing it to Haewon. She stares at the "New Contact" page for a little before reluctantly taking the phone and entering her phone number. She saves herself as Kang Haewon | History.

"Don't text or call me for anything besides the project, got it?" she hands the phone back to the boy and raises her brows.

Heeseung takes the phone back, but before he could protest, she walks away.


Haewon gets home without any issues today. She freshens up and falls straight into her bed. She'll relax for a bit, and then start doing homework. Haewon puts in her airpods and sets her spotify playlist on shuffle. Setting her phone beside her, she stares at the ceiling and hums along to the rhythm, doing the choreography with her hands. Her mini concert was interrupted by a ding on her phone. The girl reaches for her phone, annoyed, and sees a text from Heeseung

Heeseung // dumbass

Lee Heeseung | 6:45pm
hey 😋

Kang Haewon | 6:46pm
what do u want

Lee Heeseung | 6:46pm
we have a project to do, remember????

Kang Haewon | 6:46pm
right now?? i don't want to

Lee Heeseung | 6:46pm
yes, right now.
meet me at nature's café in a few

Kang Haewon | 6:46pm



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