006. not bad

557 25 8


Haewon slips on some beige trousers and a white graphic tee. She stuffs her bag with supplies, throws it over her shoulder, and heads downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Taehyun asks from behind.

"Out." Haewon pauses before muttering.

"Okay...be back before dinner, though."

"I know."

With that, she closes the door behind her and walks to the café Heeseung asked them to meet at. On the way, she thinks about how Taehyun would've reacted if she said she's going to work on a school project with Heeseung. Would he be shocked, angry, or both?

Soon, the café is in sight and she walks in, greeted by the chime of bells. She scans the area until she spots the boy in one of the tables in the back, sipping a cup of coffee while on his phone. He turns his head towards the door when he hears the bells.

"Haewon!" the boy waves in her direction. He's wearing a dark green sweatshirt and black cargo pants, adorned with silver jewelry as always.

Haewon walks over to his table and hangs her bag on the chair. She sits down across from him and sees another cup of coffee in her spot.

"Ooh, is this for me? I'm flattered." Haewon flips her hair over her shoulder and grins.

"Not anymore." Heeseung smirks and drags the cup of coffee away from her.

"Whatever." Haewon scoffs in disbelief and rolls her eyes. "I'm more of a latte person anyways."

"You get mad at all the little things, it's funny."

She gives him a glare before pulling out her stuff from her bag, and Heeseung does the same. The two begin working on jotting down information. As usual, Heeseung doesn't know most of the answers so he pesters Haewon about it. Every time she'd answer one of his questions, she'd consistently throw an insult to him;

"This is why you're failing school."

"You should pay more attention, you dumbass."

"How do you not know any of this?"

"Go pick up a textbook."

This is basically how the whole thing went. Fortunately, his efforts were not too bad and they got quite a bit done, so pretty soon they'll no longer have a reason to see or speak to each other. Haewon glances at her phone and sees a ton of text message notifications. Once she sees the sender, her eyes widen as they drift to the time. It's 10:30pm.

She rushes to pack up her things while muttering a string of curses. Heeseung eyes her weirdly as she scrambles out the café door, not bothering to look back or explain. Heeseung shrugs and begins to pack up as well.

How did I lose track of time? She thinks as she speed walks home. Once she reaches her door, she takes in a deep breath and enters. The first thing she sees when she walks in is Taehyun sitting at the dinner table with two bowls of soup. He's shaking his leg anxiously. When he sees Haewon enter, he stands up and walks towards her angrily.

because, i hate you % l.hsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu