038. mistake

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To say Haewon was heartbroken is an understatement.

She hasn't spoken to Heeseung ever since that day. She also hopes she never has to again. The girl did her best to mask her feelings and despise him. It's been a week since she started ignoring him. Haewon would avoid looking in his direction, but couldn't help but notice that the boy would usually have a lingering gaze on her. He rarely smiled now. Even with his close friends.

The girl was sitting in class, awkwardly trying to dismiss Heeseung's glances as he sat next to her. The seating chart was final, much to her dismay. She absolutely hated how just his presence made her nervous.

Can't he take a hint?!

Out of nowhere, she remembered how they used to be in class. This used to be her favorite because the boy was right next to her. Her eyes got watery and she prayed he wouldn't notice. Thankfully, her eyes dried up and she excused herself to the bathroom.

She could feel Heeseung's eyes on her as she left the classroom. She let out a breath of relief when she was in the hallway. She felt super refreshed and could finally breathe without the thick tension swallowing her whole. The girl decided to spend a little more time outside the classroom and roamed around the halls for a bit.


Heeseung had to survive this whole hour pretending to do work while his thoughts only revolved around Haewon. He watched her leave the classroom in a bit of a rush. He couldn't help but be curious as to what was taking so long.

It actually hadn't been that long, but it felt like 30 minutes.

The boy gave in to his nosiness and asked to go to the bathroom as well. He thought that maybe if he ran into her, she'd talk to him or at least look him in the eye. He had no idea how to explain that whatever she heard was fake if she avoided him at all costs. He walked throughout the school, hoping to see her because he knew she likes taking walks like this. Every time he turned a corner, he hoped she would be there.

She wasn't.

However, he did see someone else.


The high-pitched voice made the boy cringe. The girl tried to move closer to him, but he just moved back.

"I was wondering, do you wanna get ice cream later?"

The boy grimaced. "No."

Yoora's face fell, "Why not, Heeseungie?"


"Where'd you get the guts to show up in front of me after what you did?" he glared at her.

"What? I didn't do anything, Heeseungie!"

Psychotic ass bitch.

He scoffed harshly. "Don't play dumb. You made up fake shit about me and got into my girlfriend's head."

"Girlfriend?" Yoora's expression turned bitter. "Calling some random girl yours in front of me?"

"She's not a random girl."

Rolling her eyes, she keeps running her pathetic mouth.

"Haewon basically hates you. Sweetheart, i'm all you have now."

"Fuck you, Yoora."

The girl cackles as Heeseung pushes past her. "You'll always come back to me and you know that, love!"

The boy muttered a curse under his breath. She always manages to get on his nerves. At least he now knows that it was Yoora's doing. Honestly, what was he thinking? Letting his guard down waa foolish and screamed stupidity. Yoora is a selfish and greedy person that cant be trusted at all.

When they were dating, it seemed perfect. Too perfect. The girl had let the popularity she got for dating him get to her head. She only continued dating him for the attention of others. Now that they've broken up, she's trying to get him back because her pride was affected.

He walked back to class with a solemn look on his face.

Does Haewon actually...hate me?


Haewon was studying at her desk. Or, trying to study. She can't stop missing him even though she feels pathetic for it. She attempted a few studying methods and techniques but nothing helped. She somehow always thought of him again.

The girl groaned and slammed her textbook shut. Her eyes drifted to her phone on the desk. She picked it up and stared at the home screen for a bit before doing something she'd regret later.

She opened her gallery. She wanted some...closure?

It didn't take long to see the boy's face there. She clicked on a picture of him last month when they were at karaoke. He was singing Love, Maybe by Secret Number. That was when she realized this was a mistake. It didn't bring her any closure. Instead, she felt so much worse. But she just couldn't bring herself to delete any of his pictures.

Heeseung hasn't talked to Haewon in a long time. If she hated him this much, then so be it.

Just then, he heard a knock on the door. he groans and gets off the sofa, pausing the show he was watching. He opens the door and wordlessly lets Taehyun in.

Sitting back down on the sofa lazily, he sighs. His best friend follows with a serious look on his face.


The younger didn't respond for a bit. He just sunk back in his seat and pouted.

"What? Are you here to yell at me?"

"No, but Haewon told me what happened."

Hearing her name caused him to feel a pit in his stomach.

"You know it's not true so why are you just sitting here?" the blonde scoffed.

"What's the point?"

Taehyun frowned. "Huh?"

"What's the point of trying to fix us if we had nothing? She doesn't trust me after everything we went through together. I was the fucking idiot for liking her so much."

The older eyed him with pity. "You need to talk to her. I'm sure that's not the case."

"No. If she cared at all then she'd come to me first."

Taehyun sighed. He could see just how affected the two are because of this mess. He couldn't do anything since he knew they were both hurt and annoyed.

"If it makes you feel any better, Haewon's just as gloomy as you are these days."

Heeseung shot his head towards the blonde. "How would that make me feel better?"

Taehyun just shrugs at him.


sorry for the short chap

because, i hate you % l.hsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin