013. brownies

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The final bell rings and Haewon scurries to her best friend who's waiting for her by the lockers. They converse before she catches sight of a dreaded figure approaching her.

"Sorry gotta go, text me!" Haewon spins around almost immediately. Ever since the whole "stay away from my boyfriend!" thing, she refused to have any sort of interaction with him. She'd go the other way if she saw him in the halls, she'd lock her door or go outside whenever he'd come over, and she'd try to sit as far away from him in class as possible. If she got on Kim Yoora's bad side, her school life would be living hell. It's like Yoora has more control over the students than the principal, who is also very fond of her.

Chaeyoung watches her best friend speed-walk away in pure amusement, catching on to the situation. She chuckles lightly and turns around to be meet with panting Heeseung.

"You're...Haewon's friend, right?" he lets out in between breaths, placing a hand on a locker for support.

"Yes. Why?" Chaeyoung eyes the boy skeptically.

"Do you know why she's avoiding me like the plague?"

Chaeyoung pauses and stifles a smile. "Well...your girlfriend told her to back off, so she is. Why? Do you miss her?"

"What? No!- wait, girlfriend?"

She stares at the boy in confusion, her brows knitted together. "Yes, your girlfriend. Kim Yoora, was it?"

Heeseung scoffs and rolls his head back in annoyance. "God, she's fucked up." he mutters to himself before following Haewon, leaving a dumbfounded Chaeyoung. When realization hits, a smirk appears on her face.

"Ugh, he's so whipped." Chaeyoung chuckles to herself and shakes her head slowly before going on her way.


Haewon goes downstairs to look for a snack. She walks into the kitchen and opens the pantry, eyeing the entirety of it before deciding on something. She reaches out for a box of cosmic brownies, but a hand from behind grabs it before she could.

"Taehy-" she turns around in annoyance but freezes when she sees the person she'd been avoiding like the plague in front of her, holding her beloved brownies. Haewon realizes he's standing much too close for her liking and pushes him back by the chest.

"When the fuck did you get here?" she questions, eyes wide while glaring at the boy.

"A few minutes ago." Heeseung shrugs.

"Whatever, just give me my brownies and go on your way."

the boy pretends to think for a moment before a smug grin appears on his face. "And what if I don't?"

Haewon huffs in annoyance and places her hands on her hips. "Hand them over, Lee. I'm not in the mood for your games" she reaches for the box but he jolts it away just in time.

"Make me, Kang."

"Motherf-" before she could finish her sentence, he begins running around the house. Haewon has no choice but to chase him.

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