039. forget

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Another week had passed. Haewon felt like she could move on. She wasn't constantly thinking of Heeseung. When she was, she didn't feel like crying anymore. She could finally be happy again.

That was until she started overthinking.

'Forgetting' him was scary. It didn't bring her the satisfaction she thought it would. She wasn't happier without him. She'd still feel a pang in her heart when she heard his name. And just like that, she found herself missing him again. He isn't even making an effort to fix whatever misunderstanding he was talking about. The urge to see the boy again was strong, but her unsure thoughts were a bit stronger.

Whatever was happening to them definetly felt worse than a break up. She lied down on her bed and put on her favorite playlist to try and distract herself. It worked for a few minutes, until she heard the intro of a song that was all too familar to her.

"Sunrise but the night's still-"

She stopped the music and cursed under her breath. All the memories flooded back and hit her straight in the heart. She hates Heeseung so much for how he affects her. She crawled off her bed and spontaneously put on her coat and hat. She left the house, deciding to talk a walk outside. It was nearing Christmas and she admired the warm lights and decorations the city offered. She walked past a café and the aroma of coffee and hot chocolate filled her senses.

The atmosphere made her smile a bit. But, that smile disappeared after she saw a couple walk past her. Their arms were linked together as they giggled amongst each other. She avoided looking in their direction and a small sigh escaped her lips. Everything reminded her of him. After a few minutes of walking, she makes eye contact with someone she immediately recognized. Her face lit up as the other widened their eyes.



The boy stopped and stepped closer to her with a beam. "I haven't seen you in so long."

"I know, how've you been?" she smiled at the puppy-like boy.

"Pretty good, you?"

"I've been...okay." she replies in a smaller voice.

Jake's smile falls when he notices the shift in her mood, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's just...Heeseung."

"Oh. You know you can always talk to me, right?"

Haewon nods. They go inside a bakery nearby because it was way too cold outside. They sit down across from each other at a table and the girl explains what'd been bothering her lately. Jake attentively listened and showed his sympathy. However, he gave off the same reaction Chaeyoung and Taehyun did. He was confused and in disbelief.

"There's no way Heeseung did that. I'm sure of it."

She stayed silent before groaning and putting her head down on the table in frustration. Was she the sensitive and delusional one? "I'm starting to think so, too...Jae, am I an idiot?"

"Probably. He likes you way too much to do that to you. Ever since middle school."

This made her regret everything even more."Shit, shit, shit."

"Shit indeed. Cheers to realization?" he held his cup of espresso up, and Haewon followed with her mocha.

The rest of the evening was them talking about their problems while also having fun. Jake is just that kind of friend that makes you feel comfortable and warm. They once laughed a bit too hard at a random picture of bald Ri-Ki, Jake's friend and her classmate, in his gallery. They recieved weirded-out looks from people around because Haewon almost fell off her chair. He was showing her cute pictures of his grandma when Ri-Ki popped up which is why it was funny.



f course, something bad just had to happen.

Heeseung was doing a favor for his friend, Jongseong. He had to pick something up from a bakery give it to him. He accepted it since he really had nothing else to do. The cold night air hit his face as he made his way through the city. He spotted the bakery in the distance and let out a sigh of relief. He thought he would have trouble finding it since he never saw it before.

He went closer to it, but froze once he saw Haewon inside sitting with someone, smiling brightly at them. He looked closer and found out that the boy was Jake. His heart sank and he felt like he had just been slapped in the face. They looked so happy together. Haewon was red from laughing too much, but Heeseung thought she was blushing.

She moved on...this fast?

Am I the only one so attached?

His eyes grew watery the longer he watched them. He felt all sorts of bad feelings. Jealous, angry, shocked, and above all, heartbroken. He clenched his fists as he saw Jake lean in and whisper something in her ear. It made her laugh. Something made him walk in and still pick up the order.

"Order for Heeseung!"

The boy grabs the paper bag and thanks the worker. He glances towards Haewon one last time and locks eyes with Jake instead. The latter widens his eyes and was about to call his name, but he left the store before he could. On his way back, he cursed Taehyun mentally for giving him false hope. A tear rolled down his cheek, but he forcefully wiped it away. He can't cry. He shouldn't.


Heeseung was about to leave his house and catch his bus. He quickly brushed his hair and went out the door. Him and Haewon used the same bus so he'd still have to see her everyday. He used to glance at her once in a while, but now he fixated his eyes on his phone. Haewon's gaze drifted to the boy for the first time in a while. She couldn't look away because he didn't seem like himself at all. It worried her.

He was usually energetic, but he barely talks anymore. His eyes were puffy and tired-looking. Haewon badly wanted to talk to Heeseung, but it seemed like he really didn't want her to.

As their bus came to halt in front of them, she saw the boy glance at her for a second before she got on the bus in front of him. She felt the butterflies in her stomach come back and gulped. She forced her eyes to the window while he walked to the back. The worst part was that she could faintly smell his cologne as he went past her. Stupid fucking vanilla.


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