Think Tank

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Six finished the last bite of his meal and took a swig of Sunset Sarsaparilla before leaning back in his chair with a satisfied sigh.

Following his talk with Mr. House Six returned to the presidential suite to find that a big dinner party had been prepared. They usually had big parties like this after long missions and this occasion was no different.

"You know, I never would have thought Cazadores could make a good roast" He said, rubbing his full stomach.

A large blue hand came down onto his head and patted his hair fully covering his head in the process.

"The secret is soaking it for 3 days dearie, I'll teach you the recipe later" a snarling voice said to him.

"I look forward to it Lily'' His muffled voice replied with a chuckle.

The blue nightkin removed her hand from his head and started to gather the empty plates from the table, with Six sat Raul, and Boone. Off in the corner ED-E was floating around a tired Rex who laid down on a comfortable looking red couch.

"Personally I'm more concerned about the texture than the taste" Raul said leaning forward placing his napkin on his plate, Boone snorted.

"I'd be surprised if you could taste anything considering the fact that your taste buds are radiated away" Boone joked finishing his last bite.

Raul chuckled lightly.

"Listen here my pequiño amigo you shouldn't joke so much about your elders, especially the one who keeps your gear in excellent condition" Raul smiled and turned to Six.

"Speakin of gear, I got your duster all fixed up Boss"

Raul got up from the table and quickly left the room before returning with Six's duster. Six smiled widely as he looked over the old ghouls' handiwork.

"Thanks Raul, my leatherwork isn't nearly as good as yours"

Raul sat back down and poured himself a shot of whiskey.

"Eh don't mention it"

Six turned to Boone after folding his duster up and laying it in the empty chair beside him.

"House says that our most recent mission was the last one for a while, I'm gonna be heading to Big MT but if you want for me to arrange a vacation for you House would be sure to oblige"

Boone handed his empty plate to Lily and thanked her for the meal.

"I'm not much of a vacation guy but the fiends have been giving outer Vegas some issues, guess I'll go hunting while you're gone."

Raul gave him an interested look.

"Raider hunting eh, Mind if I join you?"

Boone looked over to Raul with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure you can handle being out in the field old man"

Raul laughed

"You may be a good shot with that rifle but I guarantee you that this old vaquero can outdraw you in a walkdown amigo."

The three men laughed at the gung ho attitude of Raul, Lily came into the room carrying a freshly baked dessert, it was still steaming.

"Who's hungry for Mutfruit Pie!"

That night the Presidential Suite would contain the sounds of music and the sharing of stories for the departure of Six.  


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