"Yes, I would love that"

Mulai dari awal

That's when Law realized that Luffy was serious about his words not working on him. Law figured that it would take much more than pure seduction to get Luffy back but something more. something Shachi called "quality time."

Law walked towards his car. Luffy thought that the man only came to seduce him, but once he found out that he couldn't seduce Luffy anymore, he gave up. Law, however, had a different plan in mind .

"Get in the car already," Law said as he got into the car and waited for Luffy to also get in.

Luffy found no harm in going in law's car and going out in public with him as long as there was nothing romantic behind it. So without a doubt, he got in and let law drive away with him in the passenger seat. Luffy was surprised that Law had asked him to come along with him, as it seemed out of character for the usually reserved ex doctor.

While Law drove, his gaze went back and forth from the road in front of him and the knife which was in the sleeve of his jacket. He just had to find the right time to kill Luffy and the right place to dispose of the body. But he was brought back from his deep thoughts by Luffy, who was poking at his arm.

"What?" Law said, hiding the aggravation in his voice.

Luffy stopped poking Law's arm and said, "Well, I was wondering if you could take me to the mall; I need to upgrade my wardrobe."

Law was reluctant to go to a mall where he knew there would be a scads amount of people. But he figured this would be the last good thing he would do for luffy. "...sure" he replied, then turned in the direction of the mall. Luffy thanked him with a small smile.

They eventually found a parking spot and stepped into a mall. It wasn't long until law became Luffy's temporary closet. An hour went by, and law was carrying 12 bags of clothing and 6 shoe boxes.

The amount wasn't as much as what Nami would make him hold, but it was still exhausting to hold other people's bags. But the longer he spent shopping with Luffy, the more he enjoyed the company of the other man.

Four hours went by, and the two didn't even notice until one of them panicked about the time his lover would be returning. Luffy received a text from Hawkins telling him that he wanted to go out with him later at 7. That caused Luffy to rush Law into his car to drive him home.

On the drive back to the friendly neighborhood, Law thought about his recent plan to kill Luffy. It would be very problematic if law ended luffy in his car. At least that's what he thought; the truth was, that would have been the perfect time and place to kill him, and he knew that.

So he let the opportunity slip through his fingers and dropped Luffy at the house. Before Luffy stepped out of the car, he thanked Law one last time for bringing him to the mall and back. He watched Luffy enter the place and drove off to the hotel to think about a way to kill Luffy and also have a chat with Big Mom. However, Law was surprised to find that he could not bring himself to go through with the plan

When Luffy entered the house, he went to the bedroom and freshened up for his date with Hawkins. And when he was about to finish, Hawkins sent him another text notifying him that he was outside waiting for him.

Luffy put on a brave face and went outside. Hawkins was there with a bouquet of white tulips. He seemed to be nervous, or maybe it was because he was wearing a suit, which wasn't his favorite thing to wear, but it was for Luffy, and he would do anything for him.

Hawkins held out his hand and got a hold of Luffy's hand to kiss it, making Luffy blush. He then held open the passenger door for his date. Luffy kissed Hawkins on the cheek and sat in the car. Once Hawkins was there, he drove them to the baratie where they would spend a few hours on their date.

At the baratie they got easy access to a table thanks to Hawkins since he made a reservation a day prior to the event. Hawkins pulled out a chair for his date, and they sat down. Luffy was feeling weird in the beginning, but as time passed, he was happily chatting with his boyfriend. They spent time talking and catching up with each other till the end of the date.

After a few hours, Hawkins paid, and they both got up to leave the building. But as Luffy neared the door, he was stopped by Hawkins. The blonde took Luffy's hand and got down on one knee. That's when Luffy began to worry. He knew what this was, but he wasn't sure what to say.

Hawkins looked up at Luffy, as he still had one knee on the ground, and spoke. "Luffy, the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew that you were someone special, and I knew you had to be mine, but it's been a year since we started dating, and you still aren't mine... but I would like that to change," took out a red box and held it out to Luffy.

He opened it and flashed Luffy with a 24-karat gold ring with a diamond in the middle as he said, "Luffy, will you marry me?"

All across the room, eyes were on them, including Sanji, who just stepped out of the kitchen to see who was causing everyone to stop what they were doing. Luffy paused for a moment, seemingly taking in the sight of the ring and all of the eyes on them.

Luffy held his hands together as he gave his response to Hawkins' proposal: "Yes, I would love that."

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang