Prequel Chapter Nine: Life is limited

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"Don't tucker out now wench, you're stronger than most I've seen. Use that strength." Sukuna's encouraging words and the cry of our our first born we could both hear was a boost to my strength.

On my next push my voice rose so loud that my ears rung, echoing throughout the palace and into the open air, another slimy mess of skin and a head full or red hair. Sukuna's hands were there to catch the bundle, his other pair of hands kneading my shoulders to get me to relax.

Uraume took the child to clean them up, hearing another set of crying only this one seemed higher. "Our daughter is strong." I smiled at that. I had a set of twins it seems, I was anxiously to see what they looked like, feeling my healing factor of one of .y reversed Cursed abilities do it's work. I wasn't long until I was back at what my body as like before I had them, muscles and all.

"Uraume, give them." I left no room for discussion, I wanted to hold the children who were desperately crying for me. He brought them over without a second thought, placing them both in my waiting arm. They were beautiful, with ther squishy skin and silky red hair. When they opened their eyes to look at me I saw signs of heterochromia. On opposite eyes one was red whild the other was golden. I could feel Sukuna staring at them in my arms, his brows furrowed  a sense of yearning rolling off of him in waves.

"His name will be Uruk Kuna Ryomen Nupazi. " I smiled staring down at our son. I looked to Sukuna to name his daughter, his four eyes trained on the life in my hands lost in thought

"You name her... I'll give her a middle name." He leaned forward and brushed his lips against my forehead as well as theirs, standing abruptly. "Until we meet again, Neferei. Don't keep me waiting to long. And no matter what you do, make sure they never find my fingers or our children."

It troubled me to see him go but I knew that my part to play in this was not on the battlefield just yet, it was to make sure our tracks were covered before I went to avenge him. "Uraume, come. " I stood wrapping my children in bundles of cloth, only for them to disappear from my arms and into a part of my storage space that held nothing but comforting warmth. They would sleep there until I was certain we were all safe from danger.

"Get every scroll and every document with any depiction of me and Sukuna. Bring them to me once you find everything. We'll meet after this." He nodded to me, his expression showing one of worry. I just smiled at the asshole I've gotten the joy of calling brother. "We'll meet again---Go!"

We separated from eachother in haste just as the ground gave a thunderous shake, a sonic boom shaking the air. I knew I had to hurry, whoever he was fighting wasn't going to toy with him for much longer.

"Ryomen!" I shouted, disappearing from the palace only to appear on the battlefield he was currently being restrained. I saw white hair and knew immediately that I was Gojo.

I got the satisfaction of watching Sukuna impale him only for my momentary joy to be ripped away. His head went rolling in the next instant, my eyes widdening to the size of sausers. His body crumbling to dust only to leave his fingers behind..

'Now for the next part of the plan.'

I inhaled taking a deep breath before bellowing a low throaty tone similar to throat singing I used to do back in my homeland, the sound rising and expanding traveling for miles on end.

I watched every sorcer on the field stiffen at the sound, unable to move. "It's his bitch of a queen. She's on the field." One managed to say but none of them could move towards me. I walked with ease still continuously bellowing the tone standing in the spot Sukuna stood before he became nothing.

I glanced breifly at Sato's limp body, seeing what he was still alive and staring up at me his blue orbs glowing beneath the shadows of his hair. With a wave of my hand I swiftly took all of his fingers into my storage place, all but one.

"This isn't the end, when he returns, your descendants will know my fury. I here by send you to the Halls of Judgment."

I extended two of my fingers slowly floating off of the ground above the rest of them staring down. My cursed marks and hieroglyphics we're on full display as my aura churned with power. My eyes landed on Gojo's breathing form, deciding at the last second to leave him for last. "Reversed Cursed Technique: Supernova."

With an explosion of light, gold and red energy accumulated on my fingers and made a beeline for the ground exploding in impact...

When all else was done, I landed right where Gojo still laid, my eyes blazing with a sense of vengeance.

Lets See Who Breaks First[N.S.F.W.🔞] [SLOW UPDATES]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz