Chapter 196 - 6.56 Third Green Star - Back To The Base

Start from the beginning

The scene of his heart renewed on its own, spilled blood retreating as if time had moved backward even the bloodless state of Xueya returning to normal.

"Right~ He didn't even didn't die when his heart was pierced through that night," murmured Yun Suisen.

Xu Lin asked in astonishment and worry, "Heart pierced? Is the Venerable Lord hurt?"

"What are you talking about!?" Cao Junye's unfeeling voice resounds in the area. They could even feel hostility from his tone.


What Yun Suisen had forgotten is that Cao Junye is currently together with them. Su Liye and Shi Moye pulled their wife behind their backs carefully hiding them from someone. Meanwhile, there is only silence in the surroundings.

Everyone's eyes were on Yun Suisen and Cao Junye's expression was exceptionally ugly at this moment. They could even feel the pressure he is currently emitting.

"Do your duties. Eliminate the zombies!" commanded Cao Junye as his face is completely cold yet his eyes show emotions of anger.

The general jumps off after those words. a black fog completely covered him from his feet spreading around him. With his face completely apathetic, he scattered grenades from all angles. The sounds of the explosions caused the zombies to move in his direction.

The first one to reach the land is Ximen Xueya and his son, Chino. Before they completely landed Xueya used his Ice ability to freeze all zombies within the base. Those ice statues break into fragments the moment the caster's feet land on the ice floor. The scene inside the base turned still the moment Xueya descended. The ground, even the burning buildings, had been covered by ice in a few minutes. A world of ice was suddenly made as if welcoming the Ice God's return.

Ximen Xueya put his son down on the ground as soon as they landed.

"Daddy~ that's so amazing~ You've turned everything into Ice instantly!! I want to do that too~" said Chino with glowing eyes. The baby is clearly amazed by his daddy's abilities.


"Our baby... as long as your cultivation increases, your affinity with Ice elements would improve as well. Train well next time," said Xueya.

Looking around Chino knew that he wouldn't be able to join his father and uncles in fighting zombies outside. His daddy wouldn't let him as well as it would definitely dirty his clothes. Thinking about what he should do next, Chino didn't expect his daddy to let out Oreo from his space. The sticky puppy tibetan mastiff had cuddled with his little master as soon as he was let out.

"Kyahaha~ Oreo stop that! Don't lick daddy will get angry~ hahaha" said Chino while playing with his dog.

Xueya was watching his son with a doting gaze as he played with his dog. But his expressions disappeared when he heard what System Yue had informed him just now.

[Host! That stupid rabbit's loose mouth slipped. He told the Lord God about what happened that night when we met the Old Willow Deity!!]

"That blabbermouth. Sigh~ forget it. A'Ye would notice sooner or later that my memories had returned. I will talk to him tonight. Yue, go with Xiao Jing and bring out those survivors from the underground facility." said Xueya.

A young man's figure materialized just beside Xueya and saluted. "As you wish, Lord Hei," said Zhi Yue in his human form. He took his young master with him along with the dog. They've headed towards the other entrance of the underground facility to fetch Lou Lan.

Left behind in an empty frosted place, Xueya looked at the orange sunset at the sky's horizon with a dispassionate gaze. His tanzanite eyes turned silver completely for no reason.

"Would you appear, if I revealed my existence? Uncle Ye~" as a sudden devious yet cold and murderous smile appeared on Ximen Xueya's lips.


It took a few hours before Cao Junye and the rest completely cleaned up the zombies outside the base. When they returned to the base they were welcome by a huge number of survivors. Most of them were military soldiers and government officials including their families. Half of them were ability users who used to be the core power of the Hope Base.

Standing beside Ximen Xueya are Lou Lan and Zhi Yue who are playing with Chino and Oreo. Behind them were the survivors who joyously welcomed the general and the group. There are even some who cried thankful that they were able to survive the calamity that evening. Wang Lei walked faster towards Lou Lan and immediately hugged him.

No one minds them that much because most of them were watching Cao Junye and Ximen Xueya's interactions. There is no expression on Cao Junye's face except coldness. On the other hand, Ximen Xueya who used to wear a deadpan expression is now smiling sweetly at the general. Everyone noticed the rigidity of the atmosphere between the couple.

Xueya said to his husband, "Let's talk later." He didn't wait for the latter's response and spoke to the crowd. "Gather. I will teleport everyone to our new base."

After staying at the underground facilities for days, Lou Lan had to pacify the nervousness and distress of the survivors. In the beginning, these people were starting to lose hope knowing that the base they considered as home no longer exists. They didn't know where they would be living after they were rescued from this darkness.

Many of them attempted suicide only to be stopped by the other people around them. Before the chaos in the facility reached its peak, Lou Lan had to convince them to live. The only way to do that is to give them hope. He told them about the secret paradise owned by Ximen Xueya. Telling them that the place would be their new home once they got out here and met the general and leader Ximen. This is the reason why they weren't that surprised when Ximen Xueya told them to gather and that he would teleport them to someplace. Because they were already informed ahead of time about the last paradise during the end of the world.

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