Chapter 189 - 6.49 Third Green Star - Celestial Willow Tree

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The sun had long set. The clear sky is now completely tainted with darkness turning the heavens into a wide horizon of black carpet filled with glowing clusters of stars. Only the huge moon swaying slightly in the sky becomes the source of light for the living.

Yun Suisen together with his two lovers had finally rejoined their group and walked towards the bonfire where the rest were crowding around. He approached his dear friend who is completely covered in thick blankets with his husband, Cao Junye, busying himself with cooking some skewers over the fire.

Sat tiredly beside Ximen Xueya, "I'm tired~ and so hungry~"

Shi Moye sat on his wife's right side and gave the chef Cao Junye some puppy eyes begging for food.

"Boss~ share some dinner. Few roasted chickens and fishes should suffice as a reward," said Shi Moye.

Cao Junye glanced at Shi Moye and the other two looked at the skewers in his hand which had a chicken thigh pierced with metal thin barbecue rods.

"Wait. I still need to cook the portions for my wife and my son," replied Cao Junye.

Ximen Xueya moves his hand to play with his earrings and then a pile of marinated mixed meat and seafood appeared in front of the three together with few vegetables and empty metal skewers.

"I've prepared it. Just cook your own dinner. Don't bother my husband with your food." said Xueya.

The three didn't get offended by Ximen Xueya's actions, instead started preparing their own barbecue. The marinated meat is something Xueya made. It is genuine to end up being delicious.

Though their cooking skills aren't that par with Cao Junye and Ximen Xueya's master talent, they still know how to roast or grill some meat over fire. Moreover, Yun Suisen can still be considered a good chef though not at the godly level of the married couple.

Meanwhile, the other couple, Baize and his host, were cooking their own at the other side of the bonfire. It was Xu Lin who was holding the metal stick over the fire. There are two skewers in both his hands. Two meat bbq on his right hand and two squids on his left hand.

Sweats stroll down on his face because of heat and smoke. There are even some black spots on Xu Lin's face thanks to the dust from the bonfire. Not far from him Baize is lying on his side lightly fanning the fire.

"Darling, you can flip the skewers with squids now~," said Baize.

Xu Lin did what he was told and glared at Baize after doing so.

"My arms are tired! Can't you do the cooking instead while I fan the fire!?"

"Darling, you know I won't~ just now you didn't help with building our tent and you said you'll do the cooking. You're the one who suggests splitting the tasks~

Even if your stick-like arms were tired from holding on to the skewers, it won't break anyway~ Just don't burn our food, I've asked those from the general's side. We won't get another one if you turn it to charcoal."

There's an amused grin as Baize said those words. He is teasing his naive host.

(QAQ) "Bully~ my arms are about to break. Why the hell did you choose two big adult squids and pig trotters!?" complained Xu Lin as he could feel his arms trembling due to heaviness, heat, and fatigue. He felt like he was being cooked over with the squid and pig trotters in his hands.

What's worse is that he could see that bastard system of his fanning himself instead of the fire in front of him. He is just a black-bellied big bully.

Meanwhile, among the main group, only Wang Lei is on guard duty and he is the only one among the rest who ate instant noodles with barbecue while keeping guard. He had no other choice as his lover wasn't with him. He doesn't want to eat dog food all night.

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