Chapter 195 - 6.55 Third Green Star - Leaving The Forest

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At the forest.

The group spent a week within the jungle. They had gathered enough materials to elevate the survival of their base. Thanks to Ximen Xueya's help, the group had also tamed a few mutated animals living inside the forest. These mutated animals were like Oreo, they had intelligence but most of them couldn't directly speak. The mutated animals could mostly convey their thoughts with their masters as long the taming is done.

The soldiers were able to tame a wolf pack with the wolf king being tamed by Wang Lei. Baize helped his host tame a white tiger which the two now share as their mount. Shi Moye and Su Liye had grabbed some lions for their wife and took some pythons with them as well. The three rode on the lions while the pythons were told to shrink at the size where they could wrap themselves around Su Liye and Shi Moye's wrists or waist.

The mutated animals can control their size after reaching level 6 and above. Normally it would be impossible to tame beasts of this kind, not only their levels are high paired with some intelligence, they would never attach themselves to human beings. But who made Ximen Xueya too godly, with a little bit of coercion from him, those mutated beasts felt their lives were at stake if they didn't listen to him. Thus the taming of this beast becomes easier with Xueya around.

Cao Junye also tamed some animals but unlike the rest, he didn't choose land-based beasts like lions, tigers, or such. He instead chooses something that is invincible in the air. The mutated animal the general had chosen is the phoenix from before.

Few hours ago. At lunch before leaving the forest.

During the whole process of taming, Xueya didn't help Junye at all. Why would he help? His husband had enough strength to contend even with the old willow if he wanted to. So when Cao Junye jumped off the cliff except for Ximen Xueya and the curious little bun Chino, almost everyone in their group was frightened and shocked.

Wang Lei only frowned while waiting by the cliff together with Ximen Xueya and his young master. Baize remained calm as he knew what kind of man reigned the whole Nether System. Rumors about that Lord God of Nether had never been good especially for prisoners or sinners like him. His host, Xu Lin, was panicking with his face all pale. He couldn't believe someone would jump off a cliff much less meet those mythical beings without a plan.

Yun Suisen on the other hand acted normal. He sat beside Ximen Xueya and enjoyed eating snacks with his nephew. His lovers were not with him as Cao Junye brought them over with him. Wang Lei and Baize were left behind as they were in charge of the overall protection of the group. After all, Junye doesn't expect his wife to protect everyone unless it's necessary. The latter would even watch the group destroyed as long as Chino is safe.

While waiting for their general to arrive, the soldiers were tasked to light some fire once again. It was Xueya's orders. This is in preparation for lunch.

As they waited for the soldiers to make the fire, Yun Suisen while holding a macaroon in his hand looked down as the deep trench under the cliff. He could still remember the feeling of falling from this height in his original world as Tuzi.

"Woa~ They've really jumped. Is there a river below?" says Yun Suisen as he peers at the cliff.

Beside him the sound of sound slurping loudly on his drinks can be heard.


It is Ximen Chino sipping on his daddy's cup of strawberry shake. This is a drink his father made for his daddy. He had finished drinking his own cup and took the liberties of drinking his daddy's part. Chino is now sitting on his daddy's lap.

Ximen Xueya wipes the excess juice on the corner of his son's mouth before nonchalantly replying to Yun Suisen's question.

"There's no river. But Moye is a wind ability user, they won't fall to their deaths."

"Hm~ that is also true. Xuexue I want some milkshake too~" said Yun Suiden before teasing his nephew at the same time. "How about sharing some to Shushu Baby Chino?"

The little bun pouted and faced his uncle with his fat butt. "No! This is Chi-chan's~"

"Come on~ that's your daddy's... Not yours!"

"It's Chino's... Mine. Daddy~ this drink is Chino's right? ~" said the little bun while looking up to his daddy who was smiling at him.

Struck by the little baby's adorable big eyes, the adults around him felt their hearts were directly struck with overload cuteness. They were even more speechless when they heard Xueya chuckles out of nowhere.

Kissing his son's forehead with a doting smile on his beautiful face, "Mm. Daddy gave it to you. So it's baby's drink. Your shushu is just teasing you." replied Xueya.

The little bun happily grinned after hearing his daddy's words especially when he suddenly got a kiss. Lately, his daddy had been giving him lots of kisses and hugs. The same with his father, Cao Junye, they were both given kisses and hugs by Ximen Xueya ever since this morning.

Ximen Xueya said, "Sui, don't tease the child anymore. Here's your drink."

He didn't forget to bring a few pitchers of mango shake for everyone from his space. Yun Suisen joyously took the first cup of it.

"Hmm~ cold and sweet~" said Yun Suisen.

Afterwards a soldier reported that the fire was made. Hearing this Xueya called for Zhi Yue and had him materialized in his human form while out of anyone's sight. He left his son, Chino, to him while he and Yun Suisen began cooking for lunch. Xu Lin also joined the two with cooking.

A feast was prepared under the work of three people. Xueya ordered Yun Suisen and Xu Lin with the whole process of cooking. Seeing how Xueya did all the cooking preparations and procedure, Xu Lin was shocked as this was the first time he had witnessed Xueya's godly skills in cooking.

Yun Suisen is used to this and did his part without any problems. While Xu Lin was left standing, staring in shock and amazement. The feast Xueya made is something that can only be served in luxurious 5 five restaurants. His drool could be held back during the process.


Dazed Xu Lin, "It smells so... Delicious!!"

"Wipe your drool. Be careful not to swallow your tongue as well. I know it smells heavenly but we won't be able to eat it unless the boss returns. If you can't really bear to hold back, cover your nose. Xuexue would definitely not serve the lunch until his husband returns." said Yun Suisen.

Ignoring everyone's eyes on him, Xueya continues cooking. No one dared to steal as they were afraid of angering the cook and losing their own part for lunch. Except for the little bun who was feed full after running towards his daddy, the rest finally experience what is it like to be torture by the scent of heavenly delicacies yet unable to eat.

Only when Cao Junye returned riding on the back to a phoenix followed by Shi Moye and Su Liye who were on the back of two golden eagles that everyone else had been able to eat the lunch feast Xueya had made for everyone.

They were more excited about the lunch than the mythical creature their general had brought back. Everyone enjoyed the lunch peacefully at this moment. Afterwards, everyone else made preparations to leave the forest and return back to the base. Without them knowing what kind of situation would welcome them once they've returned. 

[BOOK 1] I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot (BL)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें