Chapter 184 - 6.44 Third Green Star - Mutated Plants

Start from the beginning

Yun Suisen whispered, "Woa~ what is this a vampire plant?"

"Shushu, vampires don't exist in this world." whispered back by the little bun in his arms.

"That is also true. This is an apocalypse world after all. Then that plant likes to drink blood but unlike the blood vine this one seems to only pierce anything that flies above it." said Yun Suisen.

Despite their conversation this uncle and nephew still talk to each other as if not caring about how alarming that bamboo's existence is.

Yun Suisen murmured, "How creepy~"

"Do you want it?" asked Shi Moye.

Su Liye also said, "If you want it, we can bring the roots home at least and use it as a decoration."

"No! I don't like it!" said Yun Suisen.

Cao Junye finally spoke, "Ignore it. We are passing through. Avoid touching the bamboo. Move in line!"

The group followed the general's order and started walking, ignoring the vampiric mutated bamboo. They've also avoided touching even the other white bamboo in the area as they didn't know whether it would turn like that crimson colored bamboo when they touched it.

Thankfully the mutated bamboo only attacks things that fly over it and not those which come near it. As soon as they didn't shed blood they would be able to pass by this area without any problems. They were about to walk out of the bamboo forest and saw the nearby cliff in the distance.

Getting out of the bamboo forest, they were once again welcomed by a mystical scene. Not far from the cliff, they saw a huge weeping willow. The size of it is humongous. It is as tall as a five floor building. The willow tree is span almost extending to two single houses wide.

It's branches were widely spread and its leaves were flowing downwards. What's surprising is that the leaves from these three are made from rainbow colored crystals. The same crystal which could be found inside the head of those zombies.

This willow tree is so beautiful which makes the scenery heavenly and divine. The soldiers were in awe seeing such a magical scene. As if bewitched they've approached the tree in daze.

"Wow~ this tree is so beautiful~"

"Are those crystals!? We hit a jackpot then!"

"It's so big~ We could share it with everyone in the base."

"I... I really... want to touch it."

Only those who aren't originally a resident of this world knew what kind of tree is now in front of them.

Cao Junye with a frown on his face placed his wife behind him. Standing in front of Ximen Xueya protectively.

"STEP BACK! That is not an ordinary willow tree!" yelled the general but the soldiers ignored his orders as they were bewitched by such a tree.

Wang Lei, Shi Moye, Baize and Su Liye run around pulling the dazed soldiers who were walking towards the willow tree with rainbow colored leaves. As soon as they got too close to the willow tree, some soldiers became dizzy and instantly fell asleep. Some of the soldiers got too near and Cao Junye prevented others from coming over to drag them back.

"Don't go directly under the tree's darkest shade. You'll instantly fall into an illusion and fall asleep. It would be impossible to save you if you got too near it!" said Cao Junye.

Two of the six soldiers had walked beyond the line of saving. The rest could only watch them walk towards the willow tree unable to do anything.

They watched as those soldiers walked under the darkest shade of the tree and fell unconscious. The extending branches of the tree started moving and carried the trapped humans with their branches. Then they watched as those rainbow colored leaves turned sharp as glass shards pierced the bodies of the captured humans.

The humans the willow tree had caught died instantly from being stabbed from all parts of their bodies. While the corpse was left hanging until all blood was drained and sucked through by the willow tree. Those rainbow colored leaves glow brightly. Then within those leaves they've seen cut scenes which involve the prey's life. The Willow Tree uses its prey's life as nourishment and eats it's memories to flourish.

Yun Suisen ran towards Ximen Xueya with his nephew.

"Baobao what is that tree? Is it a demonic tree?!" asked Yun Suisen.

"Who are you calling Baobao? My name is Xueya."

"Fine! Xuexue..."

"Sigh~ It is not a demonic tree but it is far worse than that. It's a Celestial Tree called Eternal Rainbow Willow Tree. It is a special tree which is used to judge deities and Gods. It checks the person's karma. If you are a good person then there is no problem. But only pure souls could approach it.

Pure ones which means souls that aren't tainted by any bad karma. No blood or no sin. Then you would be able to survive."

Yun Suisen said, "Doesn't that make it a useful tree then? Why do you call it worse than a demonic tree?"

This time it was Cao Junye who said, "Demonic trees could be killed but a Celestial Tree, especially this one, is considered immortal. The words Eternal in its name are not for show. The problem is... there is no such pure soul that exists in this world.

It is also impossible to even for me or my wife to carelessly touch it. It's strength could rivals an Immortal God.

Reincarnated Soul couldn't touch it as well as it could even read its past lives memories. That's why this tree is considered as deadly and forbidden to be approached even in upper realms."

Xueya is talking about World Hopping in this case.

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