Chapter 160 - 6.20 Third Green Star - Unknown Dangers

Start from the beginning

Shi Moye and Su Liye exchanged glances. They've recognised each other as former partners who had worked together before.

Su Liye, "Major Shi of Sky Wolf special force."

Shi Moye, "Su Liye of Metropolitan Police Head District."

"You've survived. It's not unexpected." said Su Liye with a smirk.

Shi Moye smiled a bit and replied, "I'm more surprised to see you here. Aren't you supposed to be abroad doing missions?"

"Got back last Christmas Eve. But who would have thought that the world would suddenly arrive. Shit!"

"Your family... Sorry, forget I've asked."

"It's fine. I wanted your help to find them. How high is your position at the Hope Base?"

"Just below General Cao. Since the former isn't back yet I am currently the nominated leader of Hope Base."

Su Liye's eyes sparkled when he heard Shi Moye's answer. He took large strides and walked towards Shi Moye with urgency at every step. Once he stood straight in front of Shi Moye, Su Liye suddenly lowered his head. His members also followed his action and lowered their heads as well.

This scene astonished Yun Suisen. Only Shi Moye reacted calmly and stayed silent.

Su Liye spoke, "Please help us check whether our family safely joins your Hope Base. I am willing to provide you 70% of the grains in this granary."

Everyone echoes after him, "Please help us look for our families!"

Shi Moye was startled at first but reacted as soon as possible. He pats Su Liye's shoulder and makes him look up.

"I will help you. Please raise your heads. With my life in line, I vow to provide you help to find your families in Hope Base. As the current leader of Hope Base will try my best to provide anything you need."

Everyone including Su Liye was delighted with Shi Moye's promise because of this the two sides had happily entered party mode for the rest of the day. Providing food from both sides, everyone had joyously enjoyed the happy moment. Shi Moye's protagonist halo had worked properly for this event since Xueya had made no movement of interference.

The groups choose to take the rest of the day. Staying at the warehouse, enjoying the short peacefulness they have right now. What they didn't know is that the weather outside the warehouse started to change dramatically. The snow had stopped falling and even the temperature had started to escalate. In this situation it would only take a few days for the accumulated snow to completely melt. When that time comes all the frozen zombies would once again start to bring chaos to the land of living.


Three days had passed peacefully.

The snow had started melting to the point people could notice the changes. Except for the bit of coldness in temperature, there is no need for the people to wear thick clothes like before. A simple coat or jacket would be able to protect them from the slight coldness in air.

Within those few days, Cao Junye and his team had successfully reached S District. Unlike before the unit under the orders of the general didn't waste their time to make some stop over to some district to gather materials. This is thanks to Ximen Chino who had a full 3 warehouse sized resources stored on his ring. Those resources were something his daddy had intentionally left in his son's space ring to be indirectly passed to his father and his unit use.

Ximen Chino happily gave away his space right to his father after being coaxed properly by Cao Junye. With the rest of Chino's redemption ticket he was able to buy another space ring for his own use. His Uncle Yue who was protecting him in silence didn't forget to provide him the necessary materials for his nephew's use. Thought most of these resources were taken from the dimensional space his host owns.

They are now about roaming around the S District. The small yet luxurious town was now ruined. The buildings were all semi destroyed and wrecked for some unknown reason. Ever since Cao Junye and the rest had entered this district, there's a weird feeling that made them want to leave this place as soon as possible. But they couldn't as the sun is about to set. It is more dangerous to take their leave during the night than in the morning.

Cao Junye is looking around the area with surveying and guarded gaze while walking beside his son who is riding on the top of Oreo. The little bun is happily humming a children's song he learned from his playmates. Sadly his playmates couldn't roam outside with him. They are weaker and unawakened unlike him. So most of the children and elderlies were riding on the bus which was left abandoned in some districts.

A small team led by Cao Junye and Wang Lei played a vanguard for the unit. They were walking instead of riding the car because Chino says he wanted to play around outside. In the beginning Cao Junye didn't want to allow Chino to walk around and there was a car. Only when he heard that Xueya indulged the boy to play around unhindered in this kind of situation, that he had no other choice but to spoil the little bun as well. Afraid of being ignored by his own son. Moreover if he made his son cry, his wife would kill him for it.

"Father, Chi-chan remembers this place. Chi-chan's old house is in this place!" said Chino.

Lou Lan who was walking on the other side of his nephew finally remembered that the Ximen Family used to reside in S District. The Ximen Mansion exists in this area.

"Now that our little darling says it. The Mansion should be not far away. Baby~ did your daddy change the security code of the house?" asked Lou Lan sweetly to the boy beside him.

"Code?? No~ Before we leave for vacation, there are still servants in this place."

Chino answered clearly the meaning of his answer is vague. The little bun was saying that before his daddy had taken him to a long drive there were still servants left in the mansion. Which could only mean that the possibility of the security code of the mansion being left unchanged has a higher chance.

Cao Junye decided to use the Ximen Mansion as their temporary base as they couldn't really leave this area now that the sun is about to set.

"Head to the Ximen Mansion. We will stay the night there." said Cao Junye.

"Baby~ tell father which way is your old house."

Chino pointed the direction to his old house happily. "Okay~ go that way, father. Our house is just few streets away~"

Smiling at his son's playful tone, Cao Junye could really see the resemblance Chino has with Xueya. Only towards him that they both act childish and coquettish. The last one is done by Xueya when flirting with his husband.

Their group followed the young master's direction which leads to the Ximen Mansion. What they didn't know is that within the small forest that surrounds the whole district a pair of huge vertical bearded irises watching them silently. Those eyes stare at them from a distance but could still perceive their existence, it watches the group as if staring at their future prey.

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