Chapter 141 - 6.1 Third Green Star - Rebirth

Comenzar desde el principio

"We're not even Cannon Fodders this time but just a nameless MOB. So what is this vessel's wish?"

[Automated reply based on the database. Ximen Xueya's wish is to survive and keep his only family, Chino, happy until the end of time.]

After hearing his tasks for this world Hei Anjing decides to make his move. He stood up and left the jacuzzi. He dried himself off and wore a black bathroom over him. As soon as he stood up his bare body was revealed. Long slender legs which seem like they're made of flawless jade. Tight ass, slim but strong waist, wide shoulders and six pack abs connected to his clear mermaid lines.

Ximen Xueya is clearly a man who keeps his body fit. Looking through the memories he received, Xueya seems to be someone who hated crowds and had a silent personality despite his cold temperament which made him a human that could be compared to glaciers. Ximen Xueya is a gay, this is the reason why there is no woman in his life. He wasted his wealth for his little treasure, Chino, to be born. Ximen Chino is the only reason for Xueya's happiness.

Ximen Xueya is in his mid-thirties but his appearance just looks like he is in his twenties. With a sexy and elegant demeanor, he seems like a walking hormone with seductive attraction. As soon as he leaves the bathroom, the protagonist shou, Yun Suisen lowers his back and bows to greet him.

"Master, lunch will be ready in an hour." said Yun Suisen.

Xueya glanced at his butler and didn't speak a word but he hummed in response instead.


Ximen Xueya walked towards the wardrobe to change his clothes. Once he comes out of the wardrobe, Xueya is now wearing homely casual clothes. Fitted black pants which highlight his long and slender legs paired with loose knitted long white sleeves. Afterwards he sat at the nearest couch and looked through his phone. After knowing that his vessel has a son, Xueya knew that his Xiao Jing might have taken over that vessel as well. Checking his phone gallery he saw a cuddly little bun which is even smaller than his Xiao Jing. The folder is named 'Precious Chino'.

"Hm~ you have a lovable baby. Not much as mine thought. I have to make sure to tell Yue that to allow you and your child to be reborn together. That way your baby will still your baby." whispered Xueya as he looked through the pictures the original had gathered. The father and son were obviously happy until their death were schemed.

Yun Suisen who was standing at the sides waiting for orders noticed the changes in his Master. Unlike before the master rarely shows his emotion except when the Young Master is with him. But just now he definitely saw his eyes glinted with amusement and slyness.

Ximen Xueya spoke, "Yun Suisen. My son and I are going on vacation for a few months. By that time, you can also go ahead and go home after taking your monthly salary and vacation bonus to the household accountant."

Having heard his master's sudden plans for vacation startled Suisen for a moment but he was able to accept it well as most of the time his master's whims were unpredictable.

"When would the Master and Young Master take their leave?" asked Suisen respectfully.

Xueya replies, "September might be good. After all, I still need to do a few things in the companies. Two months should be enough." I'm planning on those useless things and exchanging them for resources before the world ends anyway.

"Then Suisen would also have his vacation in September as well." said the butler.

Xueya finally moved his eyes and looked at Suisen. He observes the young man before him. Based on his appearance he should be in his mid-twenties.

"Suisen. According to your profile you seem to be someone who grew up from the orphanage?" asked Xueya.

"Yes, Master Yun." replied Suisen.

Xueya spoke, "Hm~ are there lots of children in that orphanage with the same age as my Chino?"

Suisen was startled by this question but still responded respectfully. He doesn't understand why his master is asking such questions. "Yes. There should be lots of children with the same age as the Young Master. Can Suisen ask why the master wants to know?"

"Well~ don't think too much. I was planning on donating in your orphanage to at least let those children grow healthy. Can I not do so?" asked Xueya.

There is a bit of panic when Suisen hears his master taking back his plan to donate in the orphanage he grew up with. It's been a while since someone donated in the orphanage. If not for him giving money to his dean that the orphanage would be shut down already.

"No. Master you can. Please! Suisen will bow his head first to master in gratitude for his help!"

Xueya pats his butler's shoulder in comfort.

"Then it is decided. During the weekend you should bring the architect and accountants I've chosen to the orphanage you've grown up to. Your record as a student is not bad. I guess this means that the one who brought you up is a good parent. There is no need to hold back with money. I have too many of those. Make sure to complete renovation of the orphanage before December. It would be bad if the children's place is still in ruin by the time Christmas comes." said Xueya.

"Thank you, Master~" said Suisen with tears in the corner of his eyes. He is truly delighted knowing that someone like his employer is willing to help the place he grew up.

Xueya spoke, "With this then go prepare the car for me. Let's pick up my Chino before lunch."

"Yes. Please leave it to me master!" said Suisen who instantly completed his duties.

After a few minutes of preparation he and the master are now on their way to pick up the Young Master.


On the other hand at the capital.

In the main city, a man wearing soldier clothes woke up in his office covered in cold sweats. His handsome and masculine face looked pale as if frightened and shocked. He could feel unbearable pain in his heart as he remembers the last moment of his loved one dying in his arms. He observes his surroundings with extreme vigilance. Only when he recognized that the place he was in was his former office in his own mansion that he could guess what was happening right now.

He grabbed the phone on the table in front of him with trembling hands. After seeing the date, he instantly became delighted.

"J-July...1st... It's really the first of July. I am not... Dreaming!?" muttered the man as he leans his head down to his clenched fist.

The man's masculine features are wrinkled in emotions but there are no tears in his eyes despite it turning red with all of the emotion swirling inside his heart.

"Half a year. I still have half a year of preparation. I must find Suisen before the apocalypse arrives."

The man's words were uttered in the silent office. No one else but only him heard his own whispers. This man is the protagonist of this world. His name is Shi Moye.

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