Chapter 128 - 5.29 First Violet Star - Varying Perspectives

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Laohu grinned happily, he is a battle maniac himself. "Okay~"

"This is indeed right. I will ask a few more warriors to collect more food. But the problem is shelter, I need to look for one ahead of time." said Shizi.

Sheya looked at him for a while before speaking. "As for that problem It could be solved as long as the elders of both tribes cleared their problems."

Aside from saying these words Sheya gave no further explanation. Laohu even gives Shizi a meaningful smile. Shizi instantly understood that the problem for shelter had been solved thanks to the young leader proxy of the Lune Tribe.

"I see... For now let's talk about what you wanted to inform me, the things that regard the health of my people." said Shizi.

"AH! That... Why do you let the children of your tribe play in this kind of season wearing too little and without shoes? Aren't you afraid of those brats losing their toes?!" said Laohu.

Shizi stayed silent for a moment and thought of things through. He couldn't immediately understand the meaning of Laohu's words as he explained it vaguely. Only when he saw Sheya and remembered what kind of job he has in the Lune Tribe. He stood up in the hurry and ordered someone from outside his place to tell the tribe doctor to come over in his place. Only then he returned to his seat.

"If it's about things regarding medicine, sickness and illness, it is better to have our tribe's doctor for easier exchange of knowledge." said Shizi.

Sheya responded, "That is indeed true. It will make things progress faster if I talk to a doctor instead."

Shizi didn't reply but just served Sheya another cup of tea while waiting for Soleil Tribe's Doctor to arrive. Once the other tribe's doctor joins them Sheya starts explaining things about frostbites and ice burn. He specifically mentioned the children who easily suffered such problems during winter.

Sheya said, "I advise your tribe to practice making the children bundled up with more clothes and make sure to let them wear closed shoes during winter season."

"Yes. Yes, I will have someone to inform the people of the tribe about this." Suddenly the tribe doctor of Soleil grabbed Sheya's hand and stared at him with a pair of fanatic eyes, this tribe doctor is obviously treating him with reverence.

"Sir please talk more about medicine and herbs with this old man. Why don't we exchange experiences about things like illnesses and unique sickness?" said the tribe doctor of Soleil.

Sheya smiled kindly at the doctor in front of him. He understood his thirst for knowledge. When the young leader explained a few things with regard to medicines his reaction isn't that much different than this one.

"That will be wonderful. I currently have free time right now. Why don't we continue this conversation in your tent or my place?" said Sheya.

Soleil Tribe's Doctor joyously replied, "It will be my honor. Let this doctor show you the way to my place. There's more suitable things in my tent which will make the conversation more interesting. Do you wish to visit now?" he asked.

Sheya wanted to agree but he first took a peek at Shizi and Laohu who stayed silent during the whole conversation.

Laohu's response, "Ah! You guys can go ahead. I would be resting for the whole afternoon today." he instantly decided to leave these two doctors alone. Just listening to them talking about herbs and medicine just now made him dizzy with all those unusual terms. He didn't want to listen for the second time.

[BOOK 1] I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot (BL)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin