Chapter 106 - 5.7 First Violet Star - Holy Moly A Dinosaur!

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Concentrating to pull the plant! Tuzi didn't even notice the two the shameless pair who watches him work hard as he pulls a plant that Meizhou or Xuebao could pull off without any effort. The two didn't offer help and just watched.

Between the pair one of them really doesn't care about Tuzi while the other wouldn't even help even if Tuzi asked.

Meizhou who passed a newly washed apple to Xuebao, "He would still need to pull a few more times before he could loft it off the ground." he said.

Xuebao accepted the apple without looking at the man who was giving him a heated gaze as he stood beside him.

"He really is silly. He could have asked for help from you. With your strength you could lift it off the soil with one pull~ chomps!" said Xuebao while munching on an apple.

[Host! That Edmontosaurus thing is approaching! From the direction where the Protagonist is!!]

Xuebao suddenly stood up startling Meizhou for a moment. Only for the latter to suddenly change expression when he heard heavy footsteps coming towards their direction.

"Tuzi watch out in front!" yelled Xuebao but even so his warning came few seconds left as a huge head with a duck billed jaws appeared in front of Tuzi.

Two huge pairs of beast eyes and a small pair of human eyes looked at each other. A short silence was exchanged between the two. Few seconds later the owner of the small eyes had his irises rolled back as he fell on the ground closing his eyes pretending to be dead.

Seeing this scene the other three not far from him looked at Tuzi like a brainless moron.

"Idiot! That's not a fucking wild bear. Playing dead will only result in being trampled! You stupid rabbit!" screamed Xuebao as he and Meizhou made their move.

One came over to pick up the silly fool and throw him somewhere safe while the latter blocked the dinosaur giving the former ample time to save Tuzi. The movements the two did was not something they planned or talked about. They made the actions in accordance with their trust in each other's abilities.

Meizhou grabbed the tail of the dinosaur and stopped it before it trampled its large foot on Tuzi. Xuebao moved instantly to grab the foolish rabbit and the wild berry plants, throwing the two at the area where the rest of the good was safely gathered. Xuebao threw Tuzi in the corner like a bag of rice.

Tuzi who got thrown head first towards a tree trunk in the distance.

"OWWIE~~!!" Tuzi screamed in pain, he then opened his eyes in pain only to see the scene of Meizhou and Xuebao waving their weapons in front of a 3 meter monster. As a modern man he knew what creature it is.

Tuzi couldn't help but shouted in shock. "HOLY MOLY! It's really a motherfucking Dinosaur!!!!"

On the other hand Xuebao looked at the warrior in front of him and nodded as Meizhou gestured to gesture him to make the next move. The plan after saving the stupid rabbit is too hunt the creature. Thankfully it's not a full grown dinosaur. Since the stone knives wouldn't be helpful in fighting something this huge both Xuebao and Meizhou used their half beast form. This is a form that lets them use their human form while being able to wield their half of strength as in their beast form.

This form isn't that much different from their human form. The only difference is that their beast ears, fangs and claws came out. Soft white fluffy ears appeared on top of Xuebao's head with his fangs and claws turned sharper. He jumped on top of the Edmontosaurus and grabbed its neck. Meizhou who now has pit black round ears on his head, used his claws to hold on the tail of the dinosaur tightly preventing it from moving an inch as it struggles.

The Edmontosaurus tried to struggle for it's life only for it to fail as Xuebao who was grabbing on its neck used his beastman strength and twisted it to a weird angle. The creature couldn't even let out a scream before it's neck got broken and died instantly without even losing a drop of blood. The body of the dinosaur had fallen lifeless on the ground with a huge bang.


Xuebao and Meizhou stood beside the dead creature without any changes in their calm demeanor. Tuzi who watched the whole scene of carnage from the distance looked at this power coupled with an excited and idolizing gaze.

"Wow~~ that's a dinosaur right!? T-They could kill one this easily!!?" said Tuzi to System Yue hovering beside him.

System Yue looked at Tuzi as if he was looking at a child who doesn't know the world. Then he murmured...

[You still haven't seen them fight seriously. The bloody scene of hell on earth could really descend into reality if those two really fought seriously. This is nothing but child's play for this devious couple.]

[BOOK 1] I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot (BL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ