Chapter 82 - 4.19 Third Blue Star - Hei Lan

Start from the beginning

Yi Zheng said, "Oh right! Please help me with this." as he passed a small plastic pouch with a single, long, blonde hair strand inside.

This hair strand is from a deceased esper named Shana. It was the latest victim of the reaper. Yi Zheng wanted to check the conjecture of whether the reaper used Telekinesis to kill the victim or some other ability instead. Li Xing opened the plastic and poured the hair in a clean handkerchief before placing it on the table before Hei Lan. He knew that this person has a problem with regards to cleanliness.

Hei Lan's eyes squinted but didn't make a move at all. He first looked at Li Xing.

"What do you want to check?" he asked.

It was Yi Zheng who replied to his question, "Please check what kind of ability the killer used? And clear details if you could see."

Hei Lan took off his right hand gloves.

"Because your evidence isn't fresh the details won't be clear you know." said Hei Lan.

Yi Zheng frowned. "Next time I will invite you directly to the crime scene."

"Sure~ as long as I have my fun~!" replied Hei Lan as he closed his eyes and touched the hair to look through the remnant sentiments and memories left by the owner.

The rest waited for Hei Lan to finish what he was doing. They knew that he is now using his ability to see through the past. Only Professor Sen knew that the so-called Empathic Retrocognition is just nonsense and Gui Lan had come out. After all, Xu Lun and Yun Li knew that Gui Lan had the ability to see through the past completely, not just those sentiments left by the target. What he could see is the full past memory of the deceased.

It only took a few minutes for Gui Lan to finish. There's a hint of cold sweat converging on his slight paling face. Taking a tissue from the small table beside him he slowly wipes his sweat, sterilizes his hand with alcohol then puts back his gloves on.

No one urged him to speak and waited for him to calm down. Hei Lan took a sip on his tea and was quiet for a few seconds.

"The image I saw isn't clear as the time passed had lasted for days. 4 days I supposed. She was running for her life. Feeling pain all over her body. A solid object hit her back based on the feeling and shape it must be a hilt or a handle. Her limbs were cut off one by one. It was floating knives controlled by a force. Mental energy I guess."

"Hehe~ her last moments were the funniest. Her head was cut off from her neck. It seems that she saw the face of his killer but the image I got is very blurred already. But I felt the last emotion she got in her last moments. She was regretful. It seems that your reaper is an extremely handsome man. That's the end of my report."

Once Hei Lan finished telling them what he had seen, a heavy and serious atmosphere surfaced from the area. But among the group only Li Xing and Yi Zheng's expressions were gloomy. Professor Sen acted calmly as if he wasn't willing to involve himself into this. Hei Lan was unconcerned as he sipped his tea. While Xie Ye remained calm and there are still no emotions imprinted on his captivating face.

Saying it has nothing to do with me.


Cut Scene: 15 year ago.

A six year old Gui Lan watched as his enemy's flesh, blood and soul faded away into nothingness. His eyes with the same color of the moonlight looked into the horizon blankly. Scrutinizing something from an unknown thing from beyond. The moment the last wisp of the destroyer's soul before him fades and as his fury subsides, only then does he feel that there is something wrong. With the seals in his body unlocked for a moment, his original enhanced intuition felt a certain uneasiness.

[Host is there something wrong?] His system asked.

"Heh~ no wonder it didn't feel right. So it was a clone." murmured Gui Lan.

[What?! A clone? This is not the destroyer's original vessel?]

Gui Lan covered his lip with his hand as he looked down, obviously thinking for a moment. "Based on the strength and durability of the physique and the presence of the soul. This is definitely just a clone. It should only possess half of the original's cultivation. But since he left a fragment of his soul and that fragment was meticulously destroyed by me means that his soul is already half destroyed. He shouldn't be able to take actions for at least a decade or so."

[Should we look for the original, Host?]

"The skill card I've activated is almost up. Since he should have hidden well for me not to notice right away that this is just a clone means he had an artifact with him that isolated his soul. This is not enough time."

[Host. Please be warned that the moment the skill card activation is up, a backlash would follow. You really need to enter deep slumber for healing your current vessel at least.]

Gui Lan replied: "I know. Let me do one last thing instead." He then looked at the sky as if seeing through heaven and used his special ability 'Authority' to bend even the reality itself on this world's Heavenly laws.

"Let no one see me unless someone strongly thinks that I am Gui Lan. I would be in front of them but wouldn't know it was me. A false existence called Hei Lan would appear instead of Gui Lan." Only his silvery orbs glints with sovereignty no one could defy.

Heavenly Laws of the current world: ['We shall course thy command.']

[A/n: 'we shall course thy command': This is an old english meaning 'we shall follow your command']

This is the last command Gui Lan had spoken before he entered his slumber. After this day the existence of Gui Lan becomes a missing entity and an existence called Hei Lan exists instead.

End of reminisce. 

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