Time For.... Oh Fuck

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Y/n's Pov
I was helping a younger student of the age of 14 run away in the main area where we eat our lunch outside

When i hear the door burst open
"Grim!" I say and Grim appears with my book

"Run away, now " I say to the same kid and he runs of terrified

"Y/n, come here" Laurel says
But I stand my ground
She glared
She then said to Joseph
"Don't kill her, she's a normie forced to be an outcast, we can help her by destroying that book"

"Alright! Now shut up woman"
"Never meet your hero's" she muttered walking off

I quickly turned into a kitsune and ran away
But something was stopping me, it was his staff

"OH COME ON!" I shouted annoyed
I say my chants and I teleport myself to Bianca, who was on the balcony

Grim teleported with me
"Y/n, you good?"
I say looking over with them
Then fire roared from the ground and Bianca grabbed me and went on the ground so the fire couldn't get us

As it calmed down.. I look up from where I was to see my griomoire burning

"No... Grim" my ears started to droop
"I guess this is my time to say goodbye. It was an honour... to work with you" my blue visioned snake said, bowing his head as he turned into nothing

He was gone..
I guess all good things do come to an end
I felt a rush of adrenaline kick in and I wanted revenge

I wanted revenge so bad, I wanted to see that low son of a bitch to disappear and never come back

I snapped out of it, by a bow being shot at something, well someone

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant