Wednesday Escapes

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Y/n's Pov
I was reading my book downstairs, when I heard something fall on the ground, but it didn't break.

I get up from where I'm sat amd go upstairs to see if everything was OK, I saw Doctor Kinbott waiting for Wednesday to exit the bathroom, it was way to quite for anyone to be in there.

So I go up to the door and knock, no answer, she would've answered... oh wait, I know what she's doing, and I just screwed it up for her

Kinbott pushes me lightly out of the way opening the door. "What..." she mutters.
"Umm, I had nothing to do with this, don't mention it to Wednesday that I'm probably why she got caught " I say

"Oh no, y/n your not, she has a history of doing this" Doctor Kinbott explained putting on her jacket leaving the building, I decided to wait and stay where I was.

A little while had past and Doctor Kinbott said ,"You can go now" I grab my bag and walk out, not bothering to thank her as she didn't do anything for me

I sit in the back of the car again in the middle seat

And principal Weems then drives off.

"Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar. Wish I could say I was suprised" she scolded Wednesday.

"What did he mean about my father?" Asked Wednesday
"I have no idea, but a word of advice. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends " Principal Weems suggested
"Y/n is my friend" she said and that made me suprised, I've never had someone call me as a friend before, except Ajax and Enid

the principal says ,"Good, you've made one, now try make...." she stopped talking at seeing a crashed car and truck

"Looks like an accident. I hope the drivers okay" she says hopefully
"He's dead... broke his neck" Wednesday explained

"How can you tell?" I asked as I looked out the window.

But then we see it, I get grossed out and grab my bag, searched for my small puke bag, and vomited.

Wednesday looked back at me, and back forward.

"You alright Ms. Oaklin?" "Yes I'm fine, thank yo-" I got cut off by vomiting again

"She's gets grossed out at blood, happens all the time" Principal Weems explains

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now