Episode 4: Enid And Wednesdays Dorm

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Y/ns Pov
Today Wednesday asked me to come round to her dorm, she quotes, she needs a certain kitsunes help for an upcoming mission, I agreed, I've never been able to do anything excitingly dangerous, but I ended up not going to her dorm, I will later, or something

I was really early to class, even earlier then Ms. Thornhill, speaking of, she walked in with her plant

"Oh, Ms. Oaklin nice of you to... be early?
I hope your ok" she said placing her plant on her desk walking over to my desk, I look up at her, in her eyes, making eye-contact

"There's... no bully's, I hope" she said, grabbing my hand, in a weird way, somewhat flirtatious

"Oh... no, I have a test next class, and I wanna study for it, it's the last for the next 2 months" I explained

"I see, just wanna make sure" she let go off my hand when she heard students coming, and walked back up to the front of the class

I didn't feel grossed out or anything, I mean, she's like a mother to me

Wednesday sat beside me, and I said "hello" "hi" she replied

I turn to the front of the class, and she explains some stuff I don't understand

"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception"
she put down that plant and got a different kind showing what types do what she just said

Wednesday was looking over at Xavier who had a large claw cut on his neck

"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated.
What do the male insects get in exchange?" She asked, looking around the class for a volunteer

"Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N" Bianca says, making the class laugh a little, but not me, nor Wednesday or the boys

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework.
(The class cheers) but I do still need volunteers for the decorating
committee " a few people went up, but I didn't

Wednesday was talking to Xavier, but i left without her, going to my dorm, as I had no more classes

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now