Wednesday Is Arrested!??!

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Y/ns Pov
I haven't talked to Wednesday since the family dinner, but I was with Pugsley, we were bonding and boy what a jem he is

I smiled at seeing him being interested in my dorm room, and my crystals, and Grim on his pedestal

When I received a knock on my door, I go open it to see "Ms. Thornhill, what a nice suprise" I smiled

"Pugsley go to you room now" I say and he walks out wishing me a good night

Ms. Thornhill comes into my room and sits at my desk, taking off her glasses

"Wednesday and Mortica have been arrested" she says ,"Can't say I'm suprised, but why, may I ask?"

"For digging up a grave"
"Ahhh~ I'm not even going to ask her" I say, face-palming

"Can you hurry up and sit for me" she says frustrated and I sit on my bed, she then gets up and hands me a cup of some liquid

"It'll help with the.... um, it'll help with your sleeping " she says smiling, sitting back down at my vanity

I drink it and I start to feel faint, and dizzy

"Come here " she says, and I do what I'm told, "Good girl" she smirked, I turned into a kitsune and climbed up on her lap, she then started petting my head, like an evil stepmother with her cat

"Yesterday was fun" she says, I can see she's smirking, she might've found it fun, I sure as hell didn't

I ended up falling asleep on her lap
Well... I guess she isn't all of a
'motherly figure'
as I say she is

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now