EPISODE 2 : The Rumours?

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Y/n's Pov
"Rumours where spread around about Rowan had died, but he was alive, and now he is expelled or something " Enid explained

"I missed all of this asleep?" I asked shocked and she nodded, I looked at my book, it's name was Grim, short for griomoire.
"Shocking" I mutter, never expected it honestly

"I think I believe the rumor he's dead, there's no way he survived, whatever THAT was" I spoke my truth

"Finally someone agrees" I hear from behind me, it was Wednesday, I focused back on the boat, as I was painting, it's teeth.

They were talking about stuff, I didn't know, so I didn't pay attention, and went to the other side, and painted the teeth symmetrically to the other, using my Polaroid camera photo that I took

I then heard Enid explaining
'The Poe Cup' to Wednesday and if she would like to help painting.

A few hours had past and I finished my part of what I needed to do, it was great.

Ms. Thornhill came out of nowhere with drinks and pizza.

"Here everyone sit down, get comfy, and I'll pour out your drinks, and will be back in a minute" Ms Thornhill said, walking away.

That night we all had so much fun, that I had to heal someone's broken arm, and we were laughing so hard, that I couldn't breath

The next day, I was helping the sirens, as they wanted me to see what I thought of their singing.

They were currently doing a warming vocalism, where they warm their voices before singing, as I was in my kitsune form, sitting on the base of the fountain

Wednesday came over to us and Bianca said ,
"Weem's said you'd be stopping by. But to be honest, after your performance at the Harvest Festival, the drama club might be more your speed" Bianca explained

"After I passed out, who did you tell? The Sheriff?" Wednesday questioned
"You think I'd trust normie cops? I went straight to Weems and let her handle it. Anyway, let's get this audition over with. What are you? Alto, soprano or just loco?" Bianca teased

Everyone started chuckling exept me, and then Wednesday exhaled, then did something that broke a lot of glass

"What was that?"
"A note only dogs can hear" Wednesday explained to Bianca walking off.

They then started harmonising with the soloist,  A.K.A Bianca

They were all really good, but this one guy was being a bit cocky about it, but his twin sister stopped him.

They then finished, and I turned back into my human form, a lot of lilac smoke appearing around me and I was clapping "That was amazing !" I say smiling
"Why thank you" a boy says, bowing a little

We then all walk off to next class, with Ms Thornhill

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now