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Y/ns Pov
I got to watch the game from the infirmary and I see that Wednesday joined the Black Cats

And that one of the groups were already out, and the 3 others where at the flag location, this was so exhilarating, who would win, but as the boats where coming back, I saw that there was only 2, and the third one was out a far at sea, it was my team.

They quickly caught up to the jokers boat, that was quickly filling up with water and sinking somehow.

Then they were only one more team to deal with, the Gold bug

I was smiling happily they were doing so well, the nurse called the phone and said I was good to go.

So  I quickly ran down the stairs
I turned into my kitsune form and I made it to the docks and I became my human form and I started clapping, I startled Eugene and he was shocked, "Where did you come from?" He asked me, I looked at the boy who was 2 inches taller than me

"The infirmary, I'm all better now, just still can't eat food" I say shrugging

Enid and Wednesday were holding the flag and running together, and they crossed the finish line.

Enid was cheering and Wednesday was looking out at sea.

Enid saw me and dragged me out cheering with me, as Wednesday was watching us, with no expression on her face, but she smiled slightly when we made eye contact, it made me blush, like Realllyyyy badly.
I quickly looked away and brushed it off.

The teams all quickly changed into uniform and we had the trophy ceremony.

I was stud beside Enid, and Wednesday and Weems was explaining the Poe Cup

"The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honour Nevermores most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share.
Community, perseverance and determination.  And we certainly saw those values on display today" she finishes, picking up the Poe Cup and handing it to Enid who is cheering,  and we all start to cheer, but I turn into a kitsune and walk to my room, as I'm still sick.

But Enid saw, handed the Cup to Tiffany, and picked me up, walking off.
"If u can come out for that, you can stay out for this" she says, placing me on the chair of a bench, and I turn into a human again.

Ms. Thornhill comes over to us and starts to talk about the Cup and stuff, but I'm so out of it, I don't pay attention.

"Maybe you should let y/n back into her room Enid " I hear Tiffany say and then I hear Enid agree

I get my Grim and use the teleportation spell, teleporting me in my room going to sleep.

How come I'm so sick, I never get sick, I'm literally a healing witch

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt