The Diary

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Y/ns PovWednesday wanted me to watch something very important for her mission

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Y/ns Pov
Wednesday wanted me to watch something very important for her mission

As I entered her dorm, she was talking to thing, and holding some nail varnish

She saw me and I closed the door, I walked up to her and hugged her tightly, she returned it

I pull away, then she pulled me in closer, "Whats this about?" I asked
"Nothing, just missed you, I guess" she muttered
She finally pulls away and says
"I need you to watch over this diary with thing, it has all the informative I need to finish this case" she explained

"Yes sir" I say, smiling
"Bye babe" I say waving her off, but she turns back to me, and grabs my face, pulling me in for a kiss
I kiss back after the shock wore off
She pulls away and says "Stay safe"
Walks off and leaves

As soon as the door closes, I start bouncing around like an excited puppy
I smile at thing and say
"So, sparkly with colour, or without it, or plain colour?" I asked, teleporting my bag of nail varnish in the room

He signals that he want sparkles, no colour
I smile and start painting things nails
"Absolutely fabulous thing" I smile at him and he signals thank you
and I nod

I heard something at the window, a knock of some kind

So I go check as thing sits down on the diary, just incase

"Thing... nothing is there, well I don't see anything " I say as I feel something sharp go through my lower abdomen as I turn around, but they had a mask on, so I couldn't see them

They then pushed me to the ground, my back hits the floor, as I start to bleed out
I look over at thing and see he is stabbed, and is against the wall, the knife cutting right through him

I start to see my vision go blurry... and dizzy, my eyes close from the loss of blood.. I guess this is the end for me

Wednesday's Pov.
I was walking back from meeting up with Tyler, he tried to kiss me, which didn't work, I slapped him into reality and said I wasn't single

I open my dorm room and as I enter, the room is completely trashed, and my novel papers are scattered on the floor, good thing I wrote the numbers on the bottom right of the page in invisible Inc

As I hear a dripping noise near my record player, I see thing, he was stabbed, and pinned on the wall

I hold him so he doesn't drop, and rip out the dagger that stabbed him

"Y/n?" I called out I couldn't see her, anywhere

I remember when uncle Fester hid under all the teddy bears, maybe she got scared and hid in them

I walk over and move the teddies out of the way
I was right, but there was also a dagger stabbed into Y/n lower abdomen

I looked in horror, I quickly pull out the dagger and grab a blanket, wrapping up thing, then y/n and I pick them up,  running to uncle Fester

I finally get there after the 2 big flights of stairs and opened the Hummers shack

"Fester! Fester! Help! Help, help, help!
Y/n and things not moving" I shout and he says ,"Get thing on the table first!" and I do just that

I shoved the things out of the way and place down thing
He starts making Electricity with his hands and he starts putting his fingers on things palm, I start to tear up

But the third time, thing woke up weakly, Fester quickly gave him to me, and I started to stitch him up and he started doing the same thing with y/n

By the time I was finished helping thing
Y/n still wasn't up
"Its not working Wednesday.." Fester says, sadly
"No... no try again" i say my eyes getting even more teary, and the tears fell like rivers

He kept trying and after 4 trys, she started moving
I let go of the breath I was holding and I placed thing on the table again

"Who did this to you two?" Wednesday asked sadly
"They stabbed thing from behind, but I couldn't see their face, they were wearing a mask" Y/n explained
"Fuck sake, coward. I promise whoever did this to you both, will suffer. And it'll be slow, long.... and excruciatingly painful" I  say and thing stuck out his pinky finger amd we did a pinky promise

"I'll stitch Y/n up. They found your motorbike, the Sheriff won't be far. You need to go. Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous" I explain and he says "Well where's the fun in that? All right... I'll lay low here for tonight, keep an eye on the patients, and I'll skedaddle in the morning" uncle Fester says

"I guess I'll see you at your next arraignment or the next family reunion" I say, hiding my sadness
"You'll always be my favourite Wednesday " uncle Fester says
"Be sure to tell Pugsley that. It'll give him a complex" I snark, smiling

I stitched Y/n up before I left,
"Maybe you should start wearing corsets more, it didn't do to much damage, but from how long I was gone, it would've kilt you" I say smiling at her
"Pft, tell that to thing" she said snickering

I finally finished and I kiss her goodbye "I'll come get you in the morning with Grim, I'm sure he's worried why you aren't back" I say waving goodbye

Y/ns Pov
"Um... y/n, don't tell Wednesday, but... I mighta ate a bee.... um well.... 25 of them actually" he laughed and I shoke my head chuckling

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now