The Gates Mansion

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Y/n's Pov
"Seriously, you wanna go in there?" Enid questioned "This place is creepy af" she continued

"I know" Wednesday says, walking off
"Ok, this isn't what I signed on for " Tyler complained
"Ditto" Enid agrees

"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a suprise party. I want to do this" she said, looking back at us at the last bit

"Then you shoulda just said so. You didn't have to trick us" Tyler said
"If you wanna go you can. I'm gonna go check out the garage" Wednesday said, walking off, I followed her quickly

As we get there, she tried to open the door, but it didn't work "Let me tr-" before Tyler could finish his sentence

I made a magic fist and slammed in the door
"Magic" I say in a whimsical voice
Bitch I didn't know I was twilight sparkle

We all enter after Wednesday and she turns on the light, but it keeps flickering

Wednesday pulls up the sheet covering the car and says  "This is the car that hit the mayor

"Okay. This just took a dark turn" Enid said panicked
"We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now"

"No! We don't need him, if we need him we call him later" I say and I look at Wednesday and she nods and says  "Exactly, there isn't a lot of evidence yet" she explained, walking off, we all follow her into the mansion

Enid whimpers in fear, like a puppy

She was investigating this book shelf carefully and Tyler says
"Seen enough" i shush him up as he's getting annoying

Then Wednesday pushes this hidden button on the wall, it opened and revealed a portrait of Joseph Crackstone

"Who doesn't have a spooky built-in alternative in their family library?" Enid said, nervously

"Ours is in the living room" Wednesday says, unfazed as always

"More seating for year-long
Dia de los Muertos" Wednesday explained, as we all look at her

Wednesday walked in to it and sees the candles, she touches the string of a candle and says "It's still warm" I grab Enids arm in fear

"Tyler, you check the rest of the ground floor.  Enid, Y/n and I will search upstairs " she says, grabbing my hand, walking off
"We will?" Enid questioned, running after us to catch up

We walk upstairs and Wednesday says "Alright, you go left, I go right, y/n, your look out" Wednesday explained

"You seriously want to split up? In here? That is literally how every best friend dies in a horror movie" Enid explained scaredly

"The faster we search, the sooner we leave " Wednesday explained, walking off
Enid walks off, muttering to herself, and I keep an eye out.

Enid shouts ,"Wednesday! You gotta see this!" And Wednesday walks past me, and I look at her, and she grabs my hand
"I decided you shouldn't stay there, or you'd be seen more easily" she explains

And then we get to the room Enid was in
"It's.... CLEAN, YES" I say quietly shouting

"Win of the clean freaks" I say, smiling, and Wednesday snaps her head back to the room, away from me

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن